My sorrows...

My sorrows...

Where I post my poems and all that, nothing special but u can read if u want, all of these poems have a meaning behind them-

published on May 14not completed


In the shadows of memory, I fade
A ghost of days gone by
Forgotten by time, lost in the fray
No longer seen, no longer heard

I am but a whisper in the wind
A fleeting thought, a distant dream
Fading into the background
As life moves on without me

I watch as others take my place
Filling the void I left behind
No longer needed, no longer wanted
As I slip further into the abyss

I am but a ghost of who I once was
A shell of my former self
Forgotten, abandoned, left behind
In the dust of forgotten memories

But still I linger, a faint echo
Hoping to be remembered
Longing to be seen, to be heard
To once again be a part of the world

But as the days turn to months
And the months turn to years
I realize that I am truly forgotten
Lost in the pages of history

And so I fade into oblivion
A silent specter of the past
A faint reminder of what once was
But now is no more.
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Comments (3)

I like the poems :]
ty, I'm not done tho lol
That's okay :3
That means I get to read more of ur poems
About Author
on May 14
About Author
on May 14
About Author
on May 14