Merge madness 10 (new title! Work in progress)

Following the terrible events of Amulet's backstory, there is a contestant vote!

published on October 22, 2018not completed

Before scenes

·Amulet and Key charm are working on a Recovery center·
Amulet: and done. Can you flip that swich?
Key charm: okie dokie! *flips a swich and the Recovery center turns on*
Amulet: ya! Another successful attempt from team kamulet! *highfives Key charm* Now the moment i have been waiting for! *types "glowstick" and "tablet" in the Recovery center* come on. Come on! *the recovery center forms their shapes* COME ON?! *the image shatters and she gets hit in the face with one of the pieces of image* I dont know how that works but this world dosent support logic but i have to keep trying!
Key charm: but this is our *counts on fingers and says quietly* 5million, 6 million, 7. *talks louder* 7,889,562 trys! Face it. Their gone.
Amulet: then we will have to make it 7,889,563! Toss me that wrench!
Key charm: *sigh and tosses wrench, accidently killing Amulet* Oh My GOSH!!
Amulet (ghost): we never tried from the dead before.
Amulet: please dont go! I hate being alone! Wait. Where is mom and dad? I dont see them! *gasp* does that mean that they are still alive?!?! Hmm. I need someone to turn on this power dial. *shrugs, taps her arm, and the recovery center turns into a small box as a blue light rectangular box appears above her arm and the recovery center goes inside* now to catch up with my team.
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Ebi (will be seperated from Bop it)
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on October 22, 2018
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on October 22, 2018
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on October 22, 2018
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on October 22, 2018
Eliminated contestant rejoin! Upvote or downvote!
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on October 22, 2018