The Stranger Ritual.
One principal.
One door, ideally made out of wood. The door must have a lock, but it must not have any windows or peepholes.
One white candle.
One black candle.
A lighter or matches.
A gift. The gift should NOT be a power object; indeed, it should be essentially the opposite of a power object — something with no connection to you whatsoever. Ideally, purchase or otherwise acquire the gift on the day you intend to complete the ritual. Candy or a sweet of some sort is recommended.
A writing implement. Chalk is recommended.
A photograph of a person fitting the following specifications:
You must have taken the photograph yourself.
The photograph must be as recent as possible.
The photograph must not depict anyone in your immediate family.
The Invitation:
1. Begin after nightfall. You may begin at any time as long as the sun has gone down; however, for maximum results, it is recommended that you begin as close to midnight as possible.
2. Make sure you are alone in your chosen location. Close any windows, pull any curtains, cover any mirrors, and turn the lights off. Keep the photograph somewhere on your person.
3. Close the door. With your writing implement, write the word “Stranger” on it.
4. Place the two candles on either side of the door (which color is placed on which side is inconsequential). Light the candles using the matches or lighter.
5. Place your gift in front of the door. If the door opens towards you, make sure that the gift is far enough in front of it that it will not touch or be knocked over by the door when it is opened.
6. Knock on the door three times.
7. Wait.
If you hear silence: Do not proceed. Wipe the word from the door, lock it, and blow out the candles. Wait until sunrise. After the sun has risen, you may unlock and open the door.
If you hear three knocks coming from the other side of the door: You may proceed. Open the door slightly — no more than an inch or two — but do not look outside it. After you have cracked the door open, turn around and place your back to both the door and your gift.
The Exchange of Gifts:
1. Behind you, the door will open fully. You will feel a presence; this indicates that the Stranger has arrived. Do NOT turn around. Do NOT look at the Stranger.
If the Stranger does not approve of your gift: Do not proceed. Do not turn around. Do not look at the Stranger. Apologize to the Stranger. Remain where you are until sunrise.
If, for any reason, you do not wish to continue at this point: Apologize to the Stranger and politely ask it to leave. The door will close, at which point you may turn around, wipe the word from the door, lock it, and blow out the candles. Wait until sunrise. Do NOT unlock the door before the sun has risen.
If the Stranger approves of your gift: It will request from you a name. Look at your photograph and say aloud the name of the person it depicts.
2. Wait.
3. You will hear the door close, and the Stranger’s presence will fade. After both the door has closed and the presence has disappeared, turn around; your gift should no longer be present. Wipe the word from the door, lock it, and blow out the candles. Wait until sunrise. Do NOT unlock the door until the sun has risen.
4. As soon as possible, burn the photograph to ashes. Do NOT neglect this step.
The Results:
Keep an eye on the obituaries over the next three days. If you see the name you gave to the Stranger appear, the ritual may be considered a success — insofar as any ritual of this ilk may be considered a success.
Additional Notes:
So long as you do not turn around or look at the Stranger, you need not fear it; it is your guest, and as such, it will not harm you. However, if the Stranger does not approve of your gift or if you choose to abort the ritual after the Stranger has arrived, it is not recommended that you attempt the ritual again in the future — ever. The Stranger will be most displeased with you.
After the Stranger has arrived, it is imperative that you do not turn around or look at it. The consequences of doing so may vary from person to person, but at best, the Stranger will never leave.
You don’t want to find out what happens at worst.
Concerning the Photograph:
Do NOT neglect to burn it. If the photograph has not been destroyed by fire by the time the victim has expired… well, let’s just say you’ll be in no condition to keep an eye on the obituaries.
Be Careful.
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I assume you'll die if she catches you
Do not play longer than two hours: If you play too long, you will be unable to remove the spirit/demon from the doll. It will become attached, and will not leave. EVER.
Do not swallow the salt water: Well, if you do, you will not be able to end the game, and will have no means to protect yourself.
Do not give the doll your See More name, or of one you know: It will become to binding, and may result in the spirit/demon to never leave the doll.
Do not leave your hiding place without salt water: If you do so, and have a run in with the doll or other spirit, you will be unprotected.
Do not make unnecessary noise: It will draw the doll to your hiding place, which may result in a losing condition.
Do not leave your house in the duration of the game: I believe this will give the doll an opportunity to invite some, ahem, friends to play.