Chapter Four

"Oh well" Flamingwhisper looked hurt. "So what should we name them?" Hollowfur changed the subject. "Umm I don't know" Flamingwhisper shifted his paws, Mudpaw peeked his head in. "Um that grey one, the last one, reminds me of the mountains" Mudpaw's fur grew hot with embarrassment, he was a mouse-brain to interfere with such a moment. "Your right Mudpaw, but Mountain isn't the best name for a she-cat" Hollowfur smiled, trying not to make the young tom disappointed.
"Mudpaw stay out of this" Flamingwhisper snapped. Mudpaw shrank back, "yes sir". He ran into the clearing.
"He's just an apprentice, he wanted to help since SOMEONE wasn't paying attention, and avoiding my question" Hollowfur growled. "You name them, I have 'warrior chores' to do" Flamingwhisper yowled and raced out.
Flamingwhisper found his paws leading him through the thorn barrier, and into the forest. He found a spot near the lapping shore lines, he sat there peering out onto the lake. He sank in too sleep.
He found himself in a lush forest, that almost looked the exact same as Forest Clan territory. Three cats sat down next to him, one black, one grey, one golden. Flamingwhisper realized he was watching them, they couldn't see or feel him. " I can't believe we're apart of a prophecy" the black one meowed. "I don't think we should be excited about this Hollyleaf" the grey one grunted, who seemed blind. "Stop being such a grump Jayfeather" Hollyleaf teased. "It sure is interesting " the golden one shook his head. "Lionblaze, of course it's interesting" Hollyleaf meowed. "Three kin of your kin will hold the power of the stars in their paws" Jayfeather recited, "Oh Star clan".
The sence flashed to a whole different forest. "Squirrelpaw are you sure you want to come? It's dangerous!" A brown tiger like tom stared at a orange she-cat. "Of course Brambleclaw, I'm not scared!" Squirrelpaw sighed. Brambleclaw looked worryingly at Squirrelpaw, "Fine meet the others". Flamingwhisper gasped as he entered a clearing, with four stumps and a broken rock. "Wow Four Trees really is gone" Squirrelpaw gasped. They turned to see five other cats. "That one, is my sister, Tawnypelt" Brambleclaw pointed to a spotted she-cat. "Over there are Stormfur and Feathertail" Brambleclaw turned to two gray cats. "And lastly-" Brambleclaw was cut off by the last cat. "I can speak for myself mouse-brain" the black tom growled, "my name's Crowpaw". "Shall we start our journey? Let us find out what this dark prophecy means!" Brambleclaw raced off with the other cats.
Flamingwhisper flashed to unfamiliar camp. Two cats were sitting on a high rock, one blue the other spotted. He walked up to them, getting a better hear. "I am worried for our clan Spottedleaf, we have not lost a fight to River Clan until I became leader" the blue one meowed, "these are troublesome times for Thunder Clan". A star shot pass, Spottedleaf stared at it. "Star Clan has sent me a message, Fire Alone Will Save Our Clan" Spottedleaf nodded to the blue one, "that is all they want you to know Bluestar". "How can fire save our clan, it's practically our enemy! But you've never been wrong Spottedleaf so I will not doubt you" Bluestar sighed.
Flamingwhisper was transported back to the lake, a starry shape appeared. "All prophecies take risk Flamingwhisper, each one of those moments you were shone is a true memory" the Star Shine cat meowed, "you will have to take the risk and defeat something you never could have imagined".
Flamingwhisper woke up...
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