Gym Class Jocks

“Excuse me, young man, please come with me down to my office. I’d like to have a word with you,”
I turned around to see who was speaking, and immediately noticed a tall, large man standing by the next table over. It was Mr. Raboud.
Jason stood up, embarrassed about having all eyes on him. He should have gotten in trouble very often because of the things he typically did, but he always managed to avoid consequences. I smirked as I watched him walk out the door. This is what he deserved.
Everyone at our table looked around at each other. Courtney even laughed a little, but I could tell she was still completely messed up inside over my death. The entire cafeteria was mumbling, asking each other what had happened, seeming perplexed.
I giggled a little. This situation was hardly humorous, but I couldn’t help it. I was used to this. I was known for lightening a situation by laughing and finding some funny twist. I just… couldn’t happen to find one, today. I frowned again and took a seat at our table. Everyone was still silent. I felt uncomfortable.
Should I try to talk to them…?
“No. Not yet,” a voice whispered in my ear. It was a girl’s voice, unlike one I’d ever heard before. It was high-pitched, but not like a child’s voice. It was soothing, but at the same time, sent chills down my back. What was that?
I looked around. There was no one that seemed out of place. Who could have said that? Maybe I was just imagining…
I stayed at my table, observing everyone’s actions. Every now and then, one of them would look at me or make eye contact, but they had no idea. It was kind of saddening, knowing that they couldn’t see me or even realize I was there but I could view and hear everything they said or did.
Then, the bell rang. Everyone stood up, heading to their next class, just wanting to go home. I following my routine and went to my next class, as well, which was P.E.
To be entirely honest, I hated gym. It’s not that I don’t enjoy exercising, it’s just that I always end up in a class with a bunch of annoying jocks that think they’re better than everyone.
Maybe this was my chance to get them back…
I dashed to the gym, absolutely thrilled about my plan. I was never a girl who enjoyed revenge, but I’m dead now, and I feel like it’s my duty to get them back in the name of justice! I walked straight into the gym and waited for everyone else.
I could tell that I was going to love gym today.
There were a lot of kids in my period who hated physical activity of any type, and I couldn’t blame them. Who in their right mind would choose jogging in circles for five minutes over sitting down on a comfy couch and watching a good show? Anyways, those kids usually got picked on by other kids who thought they were all that just because they could run fast or catch a ball.
Not all athletes were jerks, of course, but Travis definitely was. Travis was this really tall, buff football player who thought of everything as a challenge that he had to win. If he ever lost a game or messed something up, his immediate go-to response was always something like, “It’s not my fault! They weren’t playing fair! They weren’t paying attention! They weren’t trying hard enough!”, or maybe “I wasn’t even trying! I lost as a joke,”. He always blamed others for his problems and never tried to improve himself.
Lucky for me, Travis was in the mood to pick on Noah today. Perfect timing to teach him a lesson. The P.E. teacher screamed at us to start jogging, yelling and trying to inspire us to “be a better us”.
Travis immediately began running like an idiot. He held his arms like a tyrannosaurus-rex and flailed his legs up behind himself with every step, saying “Look! I’m Noah!”, expecting to get a laugh from the entire class. No one was laughing. The gym teacher looked at him and rolled his eyes, acting like it was just high school drama.
I watched as Travis began to run normally again, trying to pass everyone. I smirked. I didn’t want to hurt Travis, but I did want to embarrass him. I looked ahead of him, noticing a basketball on the floor. I decided this was a fantastic opportunity to get him back.
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