Amnesia (Masky x Reader)

Amnesia (Masky x Reader)

You wake up in a cabin in the woods, your memory torn apart. It was late summer, so why is it the death of autumn now? But that's the least of your worries, because you find that you're not alone. You'll need to learn to trust the man with the broken mask, or you'll never make it home alive. (TAKES PLACE AFTER THE EVENTS OF MARBLE HORNETS)

published on January 28not completed

Chapter 3: Landline

        Man, your neck hurt. Definitely slept on it wrong. You heard the droning crone of a tv, and then felt the weight shift on the bed.
        You snapped your eyes open.
        You're instantly awake as the blood rushed to your face when you realized where you were. You quickly look beside you, and see Tim still sleeping next to you. He'd moved away from you in his sleep. Now his back was to you, and he hugged his arms around him. Still, he was sleeping soundly. You sighed in relief. You didn't know what you'd do if he had woken up before you. That certainly was not a situation you'd like to face.
        Still, sitting here propped up against the wall at 5 in the morning wasn't ideal either. You slowly eased yourself off of your side of the bed, careful not to disturb him. After all this, you were surprised with how softly you regarded this man. He was just a stranger, and yet you felt safe enough around him to let yourself fall asleep next to him. Or, was it the other way around? Thinking of it, he was the one who fell asleep first.
        But then, you in your current state weren't much of a threat.
        You padded over to the door that led outside, preparing to spend the rest of the morning in your own room. Your hand had just touched he doorknob when you felt that horrible feeling again- that terrible dread you felt when you were staring out at the parking lot last night. Even the idea of being alone in your room felt wrong. You shook your head. You had to get over this. Your thoughts were interrupted by a coughing fit. You shuddered. After waking up in the woods, you hadn't had access to any of your medicine. This meant your fits were getting more intense than you'd had in years.
        While you were trying to stifle your cough, you hadn't realized how much noise you were making. Enough noise to wake someone up, of course. You felt a hand on your shoulder, and looked back to see Tim looking at you with eyes that had just woken up.
        "I... know a trick for that, " he said, letting one side of his mouth twitch into a smirk. But only for a second.
        He led you back to the bed to sit down as he prepared the coffee maker. "Actually, I think I'll just have a cup," you said. He shot you an eyebrow. "I don't think I'll be falling back asleep," you explained. Nodding, he opened the packeted grounds.
        He really didn't talk too much, did he?

        Tim hit the bell again. And again. Your eyebrows raised at his impatience. You both were at the office of the motel. No one was in the front but could hear a tv on in the back, so someone must be here. At least, if that broken down SUV parked outside was still somehow taking someone to work every day.
        "Hello??" Tim called. Finally, someone came towards the front. It was a young boy, too young to possibly be working legally. He had boxed-dyed black hair, a badly shaved notch in his right eyebrow, and a smattering of acne to top it off. Definitely not someone who looked like he wanted to be up this early in the morning.
        "What," he said. It wasn't a question. More like an accusation.
        Tim shifted his stance and flashed a look at you that said, "Here we go."
        "We just gotta use the phone," he said evenly. You chewed on your cheek while standing back near the door, ready to jump in in case Tim's approach needed any more tact.
        "Just use your own??" the kid said.
        "We don't have one. Just let use us the phone."
        "What kind of people don't have a cell these days?"
        Tim answered with a glare. The kid rolled his eyes and grabbed the body of a chunky landline and put it on the top of the front desk with a slam. He turned and walked back to the tv while pulling out his cell, flipping through some form of social media.
        Tim gestured to the landline with an upturned palm and a grin, "For you."
        You smiled and walked up, taking the handset off the receiver. Good thing you tried to keep important numbers memorized, including that of your mom's.
        The tone buzzed as the phone rang, waiting for a pickup on the other end. Finally, a click, and an answer.
        "Um, Y/N is that you? Is something wrong? What phone are you calling from?"
        You bit your lip. It probably wasn't a good idea to tell her the whole story- waking up in the woods with a strange man and no memories at all how you got there. Might not be the best move.
        "Um.." you had to improvise, "I was just... thinking about something I said the last time I talked to you. But, I can't remember exactly what I said. Can you tell me what we talked about last time I called?" There, that sounded plausible. You usually called your mom (or she called you) at least once a week. You had to have called her sometime in your memory gap.
        "Oh Y/N we just talked yesterday! Sometimes you act like you're aging faster than me. Anyway, let's see," she sighed, "You called to tell me that you wouldn't be around town for a couple weeks because you were going to see Uncle Warren. I don't know why you've been so worried about him recently- it's not like he's sick or anything. Now, Teresa's grandpa, he's not doing too well. Maybe you could go visit him after you check up on Uncle Warren? But I guess you don't want to drag your boyfriend out all around the country like that. But you couldn't think of a better excuse to go on a road trip with him?"
        "Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend," What in the world was she talking about?
        "Okay, not boyfriend but honestly Y/N I don't think it's proper at all to have a man living with you if you're not planning on making it official. You like him, don't you?"
        "Uh--" you had no idea how to respond. Was she talking about Tim?? "Um- Mom can I talk to you about this later?" Abort mission.
        "Well, what did you call for again?"
        "Nothing... I think I remember now. I'll call you soon, okay? Love you," you quickly placed the phone back on the receiver.
        Leaning back, you sighed deep, feeling the burn in your cheeks. First of all, at least you sort of had some answers here. You were going to see your great-uncle Warren. Why? You didn't know. But that was a start. And secondly... you mom was talking about someone living with you. A boy.. a man? The only one she could be talking about was Tim. So... you must have met him during your memory gap. But to meet him and for him to start living with you? How much time had you lost?
        You pressed your cold fingers to your cheeks and turned around. Tim was standing in the doorway with his back to you. He was looking out at the rain that was still falling steadily outside. His shoulders stooped in a slight way and you couldn't help but imagine him in your home, your kitchen, your sitting room...
        But then your eyes slide to the calendar that was on the wall just next to him. You knew it had to be August, but the calendar was decidedly flipped to November.
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Comments (3)

its so good
About Author
28 days ago
I can't wait for the next chapter. 💜
I'm gonna work on it tonight :)
About Author
on January 28
About Author
on January 28