This is a story about two sisters. Their names are Hi and Yoru. Day and Night. They are stuck in a wilderness, trying to find civilization, only to find they are trapped in an alternate dimension. There are small groups of others who have been drugged and brought here to that place, called Htrae, as punishment for crimes unknown, and all they have are their matching lockets, given to them by their kidnapped father. The last thing you expect when you clicked and started reading is that they're shape shifters.
We had been in camp for a week. We had figured out the social ladder, and where I placed, but Hi, not so much. I had started talking to the Leader (his name was Duncan Burr) about making a Weaver's class, because after the /incident/ Hi and I were thinking about needing clothes. He was relaying the idea to the council, when an old man burst into the tent and started screaming. "We're all doomed! DOOMED!" "Sir, what do you me-" "The two girls! I saw them while I was on watch! They were eagles, then they tuned into wolves! I chased them through the forest, and saw them shift into the two girls the guards found outside the gate last week!" All of the Council members started murmuring about it. The two sisters, like mirror images of the other, but no more the same as a blade of grass and a bird's feather? "The girls! They are Shadow Servants! Nomaeds! They must be killed!!!" At that, Burr stood up, slammed his fist against the table, and shouted: "Silence! This will be introduced tomorrow, at the Camp Council! And Yoru and Hi," he added smoothly, "WILL be joining us. Dismissed," he stated, and walked away as the men and women filed through their respective exits.