OneWeekAtKeishas's Polls
OneWeekAtKeishas published 19 polls

public service announcement - I am ded and will not be on for a long time

Ink!Tale or eRroR!tAle Sans

Which Funtime Foxy pic?

Who did you want to win the election?

Bonnie X Chica thoughts?

Do you like SAO? if so which game version?

Day or Night? (2)

Chose your Pokemon Sun and Moon starter Pikachu is not a choice

what is your favorite color? (11)

What should I do next? (1)

what kind of Were- are you?

i like magical ponies that live in alternate dimensions

what do you think of wolves?

what do you think about cats?

creepers or ocelots?

Angel VS. Devil! Who wins?

Trixie or Gilda?