
"Guys! Guys! You goota come see this!" He says, pointing to the gate. "Theres this guy and he has a sword and-"
"Naruto, calm down! Sheesh, cant we go five miniutes without you having a heart attack?" Sakura asks, standing up.
"He's got black hair, icy eyes, and he's as pale as snow! Do you think he's a vampire?" He asks, getting a smack from Sakura.
"You idiot, vampires dont exist!"
"On the contrary," a masculine voice intervenes, scaring them. "Im more or less like that wolf-boy over there." The mysterious boy says, pointing to Kiba.
"Hello, Im Sakura Haruno. Welcome to Kohonagakure!" She says politely.
The boy smirks, takes her hand, and kisses it.
"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Haruno." He curtsies. "My name is Sesa Okomota. It is a great pleasure to meet you all."
Ino eyed him cautiously. "You dont have a band." She says bluntly, motioning to his head.
"Right you are. I belong to a nomadic ninja tribe, and we dont essentially believe in 'bands'. But thats in the past. Im here to migrate to Kohonagakure." He says, adjusting his sword.
"Where are they?" Naruto asks. "Did you leave them or..."
"Their dead. Slaughtered to the last, except me." He says, frowning. "And when I find the man who did it..." he snarled, and his fangs were evident.
Hinata gasped.
He looked a lot like Sasuke, but at the same time he also looked more like Naruto. His jet black hair was like Sasuke's, but his demeanor was like Naruto.
In short:
A very hard person to read.
"The Hokage's office is this way." Ino said, turning and leading him to the office.
Naruto leans in Sakura's ear and says, "Was it just me or was she-" before he notices that she was blushing, too.
He narrowed his eyes, crossed his arms, then huffed. "I dont like him already." He says, leaving Hinata to think.
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Even seemingly normal people can be utterly insane.
Hops on horse and rides like a samurai*
Maybe you should be
*dies from laughter cause trollin is awesome*
But wait for chapter 8, dear friend!