All About Andrea

Also Known As: Andie
Title: The Forgotten Girl
Age: 11
Birthday: February 12th
Nationality: European
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Blood Type: O
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Past/Bio: Unknown (revealed in story)
About Him/Her
Personality: Distant, Smart, Mischevious, Quick Thinker, Protective, Temperamental, Scary When Angered, Badass(hidden inside), Quiet (projected outside)
Occupation: Student
- Cats
- Spells
- The Trio
- Gryffindor
- Dumbledore
- Manga/Anime (SHE'S AN OTAKU!!!)
- Slytherin
- Snape
- Voldemort
- Having Her Friends Hurt
Hobbies: Practicing Curses, Reading, Pranking Fred & George Mysteriously
Fears: Hurting Her Friends Accidentally, Love, Fire
Strength: Fighting, Things Involving Smarts
Weakness: Dumbledore, Manga/Anime, Harry
Talents: Dueling, Animal Taming (super quick), Defense Against The Dark Arts
Height: 4' 8.7"
Eye Color: Brown
- Scars: A Small Star-Shaped One On Her Shoulder
- Piercings: None
- Tattoos: None
- Scent: Cinnamon And Vanilla
Father: David Bates (Deceased), George Adams (Adoptive Father)
Mother: Alice Bates (Deceased), Sarah Adams (Adoptive Mother)
Siblings: Lilith Bates (Older Sister, Deceased), Rhys Adams (Adoptive Older Brother)
Relatives: Edith Bates (Grandmother, Deceased), John Bates (Grandfather, Deceased)
Family Line of Work: Aurors
Family Background: Unknown
Best Friends: None
Friends: Neville, Luna
Love Interest: Harry Potter
Enemies: Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson
School: Hogwarts
House: Griffindor
Best Core Class: Transfiguration
Worst Core Class: History
Elective: Ancient Battle Spells
Quidditch: No
Extra-Curricular: None
- Length: 10 1/2"
- Wood: Willow
- Core: Phoenix Feather
Pets: Midnight (cat)
Boggart: Harry Potter
Animagus/Patronus: Panther
Amortentia: Pages Of An Old Book, Strawberries
Home Town: Little Whinging
Residence: Number 4, Privet Drive
Loyalty: Mrs. Figg, Harry Potter
Organizations: None
Extra Information
Quotes: "I told you not to fool around. Look where that got you."(usually said with a wand pointed in one's face)
Theme Song: Dollhouse
Food: Ramen
Drink: Peach Tea
Color: Purple, Silver
Animal: Cat
Flower: Sakura Blossom
Season: Spring
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-- Why is the whole "growing up in the attic" thing necessary?
-- Seriously. NO ONE else is standing up for the bullied kid? Does this actually happen in real life?
-- How does she know martial arts or whatever?
-- Oh, perfect. The shy Otaku girl See More can apparently knock an older jock unconscious.
2. The growing up in the attic thing is because I want to make her life kinda similar to Harry's.
3. It stated in the book that no one dared to stand up for Harry.
4. She takes classes because she hates bullies and for the purpose of beating them up.
5. She's not shy, she just is usually quiet because she doesn't see the point of being loud and See More attention-grabbing.
6. Read it yesterday and apparently forgot this very important piece of info XD
6. It's only memorable if you have read it less than a year ago. XD
6. It was apparently not very memorable.
4. So they provide self defense classes but lock her in the attic? Now I'm VERY confused...
4. No, she fought them before that, but when she came home with proof of her sucking at fighting, Her adoptive parents decided that if she was going to fight, she at least should fight well. Idk why I'm basically telling out her story here.
2. Ooooh, gotcha. It's kind of cliched, but I can deal.
3. I guess.
4. Wait... She spends a bunch of money (martial arts classes are freaking expensive, at least the good ones; I take them) just to take classes to beat up bullies? Why does this make her sound messed up?
5. Um, gotcha...