This chapter pretty much is bullet points on how Dusk started working with the freedom fighters.

- She left G.U.N when she found out that they were trying to find a way to control her with the rings.
- When she was working for G.U.N she didn't show herself to the rest of Mobius.
- Being a unknown person she had a hard time finding a job.
- She saw one of Eggman's robots taking a small family that had apparently been part of the resistance away. Seeing the family made her think of the one she had lost on earth ( her family died before she turned back into a hedgehog. ) She beat the robots and helped the family get to safety.
- The robot had however sent a picture of her to Eggman.
-When he saw that she was almost as powerful as Shadow but had a clear weakness of exhausting quickly from using Chaos control he tricked her into a trap and hacked into her control rings to use her to take down the Freedom Fighters.
-Dusk while controlled by Eggman managed to capture Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge, Amy, and all the others except Shadow who had Chaos controlled away from Dusk.
- Shadow broke into where Eggman was keeping the other Freedom Fighters he only managed to get Tails out before Dusk came to stop him.
-Tails explained to Shadow how Dusk was being controled by Eggman and could only say what Eggman made her say.
-Tails could fix the Control rings but he would need to be able to have one of the rings on her wrist.
- Evenutually Shadow did manage to get the wring of of Dusk and stop Eggman from controlling her.
- After Dusk was no longer being controlled by Eggman she freed Sonic and the other Freedom fighters and joined them in their fight against Eggman.
- She now lives at an unknown place and helps the freedom fighters.
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