I have made a creepypasta named Lock Jaw! I have never done this hope it`s good enjoy.
Creepypasta27published on October 26, 2023not completed
Silent in the light
She walked in about 12 and a half miles in of the path lising to the hum till it stopped just as it started it stopped Layla looked around she was lost she never left the path the sun was going down she had her good eye but her red one was barrly usable with out light she cought the sight of something moving out the corrner out of her good eye she turned on her heel only to be blind sighted by something slashing her good eye blood trickled down her face from she slash it was 4 claws of diffrinte langthe starting an inch above her good eye going over it down to her cheek she now was nearly blind realing on nothing but the horribel night visone of her red eye "AHAHAHAH! I KILL YOU! WHAT EVER WHO EVER YOU ARE!" she screamed anger retuning numing the pain "Deal." said a raspy voice it wasn`t threating but it was old raspy and a little alarming "What?" Layla hissed venomesly "A deal you get revenge, power, and freedom and I get life." the voice was now soft almost pleading Layla was seceptacul "What do you mean by Life?" she asked anger calming down pain flooding back she winsed in pain as she looked at a shadowe figuer throughe her bad eye "I am a witch not one of power my magic is very weak to stay alive I must eat childerine the smaller the better I have watched you walk that path many times at your age you would let me live a week so theres no point in eating you, I`m much to weak to leave the woods and not many childerin come here anymore so if I give you something every time you eat a chiled I will be feed and both of are powers will grow." the witch paused and grabbed Laylas face rubbing she didn`t fight back as the witch rubed some cream on her face the pain left and the scratches turning to scares her once good eye complytly glazed over in white and blind Layla reched up and toched her face as the witch countiued "8 years and younger will give you loungr and with these powers you can do as you please I won`t stop you all you have to do is eat the small childerin so I won`t have to deal?" Layla mulled over this thinking, thinking about everything she could do she never had the chance for revenge "I never liked kids to start with." the witch smiled even though Layla couldn`t see it "Good girl, now this will hurt a bit my dear you will understand what to do when the time comes and when power is low you will be hungery now don`t move." Layla stood still wincing in pain as the witch put iron loops in her mouth sealing her mouth shut repting an incantashine "Ckelosay Wjay!" over again 5 times till she stopped Layla opened her eyes pain disapering the witch was gone and her stomiche rumbled with hunger. a low raspy growl echoed from her lipes that were parted slitly but were unable to open fully "Food." she said in a low growl she leaped up on to a tree climing up it sniffing the air "Chiled." she said in another low growl she climed down fowlowing the sent.