If you every get a speeding ticket go to court with it half the time the cops don`t show up and the ticket gets dropped and if they do ask them when they last recalibrated there radar gun because they don`t do it as ofton as they should and will normally drop it
on February 02, 2024

Does anyone stop look at the only person around you and say "You are a heartless, violent, bitch!" then put the mirror down and go back to setting a trap that`ll diy your dad red because he`s pissing you off and your at your wits end
on January 22, 2024

I am bored so I have decided to give you all my favorite moto
HELLo say it to all you hate not hi say HELLo and when you make there life hell you can say "I warned you"
When some one you don`t like is leaving say GOODbye and laugh when they leave because they now think you care and really you were happy they left.
BeLIEve this one speaks for it`s self.... TRUST NO ONE!
lOVER that one looks weird typed but remember if they cheat it`s ok to break there bones.... they have a lot See More of those and you only have 1 heart if they can break that and give you a need to heal then give them a reason to as well.... with a baseball bat!
friEND again it speaks for it`s self TRUST NO ONE!
nEXt same thing as I said in the one above because everyone leaves in the end
lIFe this time the bold letters stand for "It`s mine and IF you get in my way no one will find the body"
FUNeral but only when it`s someone you hate... keep going and when everyone who hurt you has there`s you can dance on there grave and yell "I`M STILL STANDING!"
HELLo say it to all you hate not hi say HELLo and when you make there life hell you can say "I warned you"
When some one you don`t like is leaving say GOODbye and laugh when they leave because they now think you care and really you were happy they left.
BeLIEve this one speaks for it`s self.... TRUST NO ONE!
lOVER that one looks weird typed but remember if they cheat it`s ok to break there bones.... they have a lot See More of those and you only have 1 heart if they can break that and give you a need to heal then give them a reason to as well.... with a baseball bat!
friEND again it speaks for it`s self TRUST NO ONE!
nEXt same thing as I said in the one above because everyone leaves in the end
lIFe this time the bold letters stand for "It`s mine and IF you get in my way no one will find the body"
FUNeral but only when it`s someone you hate... keep going and when everyone who hurt you has there`s you can dance on there grave and yell "I`M STILL STANDING!"
on January 20, 2024

https://imgflip.com/i/8cewgz I have a problem the dark humor just became relatable.... I HAVEN`T DONE ANYTHING!... but my thoughts do get like this.... a lot

snap that child's back - Imgflip
An image tagged snap that child's back
on January 20, 2024

https://imgflip.com/i/8ch8ms Any one else or is it just me

That’s how it works here guys - Imgflip
An image tagged america,school shooting
on January 20, 2024

Intro: Creator backflipping 10 times mid-song Outro: Creator picking nose looking at the stars - Imgflip
An animated gif. Make your own gifs with our Animated Gif Maker.
on January 18, 2024

<a href="https://imgflip.com/i/xl255"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/xl255.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a><div><a href="https://imgflip.com/memegenerator">from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>

Image tagged in memes,fierce,attack on titan - Imgflip
An image tagged memes,fierce,attack on titan
on January 12, 2024