about a lazy house cat with a daily routine. But one day, everything changed. Now Meow is going on the adventure of his life.
tigerstarfirepublished on April 27, 2016not completed
a weird dream.
Meow was on a grassy field. He was dreaming, but where is this? It was dark, and the earth was big and bright behind him. wait a minute. The EARTH was big and bright behind him? what? "where am I ?" meow wailed. "peace, young one," a voice murmured. The voice was soft and deep and full of wisdom. "You have been chosen. Go to a forest named Aster. Go inside and walk until you see a chopped trunk with a eagle on top. If you want to learn the ways of the wild, speak to him." The voice faded to silence. "wait! who are you? come back!!" but there was no answer and eventually, meow gave up.