Ring around the Rosie

McKenna: Oh look! A new Dollie! Thank you mommy! I bet she'll Just LOVE Mister bear! I'm gonna name her...
Doll: My name is Anna. McKenna: Anna! Her name will be Anna! Mrs. FarmVille?: Sweetie couldn't you call it something else? (She was thinking about the little girl named Anna who died in the house they lived in and was said to haunt it, she was murdered. Brutally.) McKenna:NO! Her name is Anna! Mrs. FarmVille: oh alright. Anna: she isn't very nice. McKenna: Neither of my parents are. Anna: maybe we should get them back for being mean to you *evil smile*. McKenna: how? Anna: take me to the kitchen... McKenna: Ok Anna. The rest of the night was a red blur, she got a knife from the kitchen and went back out into the living room where her mother was. She started stabbing and stabbing and stabbing... When her father came in and saw, he was horrified. Then she killed him too... Afterwards she played with Anna
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