Fern's Pathfinder Characters

Fern's Pathfinder Characters

I thought this would be cool to share with the DND page and to show a few of my characters that I have created so far and work on their lore.

published on January 23, 2018not completed



Name: Meraki LonGriver
Alignment: Neutral Good
Level & Class: Level 16 Ranger
Deity: n/a
Homeland: Tross
Race: Halfling
Size: small
Gender: female
Age: 29
Height: 3'0
Weight: 40lbs
Hair: hazelnut
Eyes: green

HP: 129
Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 6

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 22
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 18

AC: 26
Touch: 18
Flat-Footed: 16

Fortitude: 19
Reflex: 22
Will: 13

Base Attack Bonus: 16/ 11/ 6/ 1
CMB: 14
CMD: 30

Weapon: (+3) Elf Long Bow
Attack Bonus: 25/ 20/ 15/ 10
Crit: 20x3
Range: 200ft
Damage: 1d8 + 9

Weapon: (+1) Rapier
Attack Bonus: 23/ 18/ 13/ 8
Crit: 18-20
Range: n/a
Damage: 1d4 + 1

Acrobatics: 15
Climb: 11
Craft(traps): 7
Disable Device: 10
Disguise: 12
Escape Artist: 13
Handle Animal: 15
Heal: 18
Intimidate: 19
Knowledge (Arcana):
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 12
Knowledge (Engineering):
Knowledge (Geography): 10
Knowledge (History):
Knowledge (Local): 8
Knowledge (Nature): 15
Knowledge (Nobility):
Knowledge (Planes):
Knowledge (Religion): 6
Linguistics:  8
Perception: 22
Ride: 12
Sense Motive:
Sleight of Hand: 26
Spellcraft: 8
Stealth: 22
Survival: 23
Swim: 7
Use Magic Device:

Languages: common/ halfling/ dwarven/ elven/ gnome/ goblin/ draconic/ orc/ giant/ sylvan

Lore: *To be added*
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