A little trip

When I opened my eyes. I saw my wings were out. I never learned to fly. I mean I flew around my room a bit. I put Sally ni my bag. I started to eat my breakfast. I gave some to Sally.
When we were both done I grabbed my bag. And started to flap my wings. I was hovering 5 feet of the ground. I flew up higher and higher. But close enough to see who was out. Then I flew in the direction my house was facing. But before I left i took out my phone and check point my home.
Then I flew away from my home. Being free was amazing. But the tingle of sadness stick to me. I was also sad to leave my home. 'I'll come back soon' I told myself. But that didn't make the tingle of sadness leave me. 'This is for the best' I thought, 'Their friends will hang out with them now that I'm gone.' I still felt guilty for lying to them.
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