Let's start (part 2)

Adila had the time to think over everything that happend.
The only things really bothering her in her mind was confusion of why she reacted so badly by just running for a bit, and admiration for how cool Wafiya was while running after her, although a bit scary.
Adila looked at Wafiya with admiration in her eyes, but the wolf was still dwelling in her own thoughts to notice.
"I just have to ask..."
Adila started, thus bringing the wolf out of her train of thought and listen to what the little girl has to say.
Adila took a deep breath and talked so fast that Wafiya could hardly catch everything she said.
"How did you do that thing when something surrounded you as you stood and then ran with ease while I nearly died from no breath and you don't even look tired." She said rapidly one after another.
It took a while but Adila somehow ended her ranting over how cool Wafiya was and how weak she herself was.
When there was finally silence Wafiya thought about how to answer the hyper little girl.
"... Well, werewolves themselves are pretty powerful, and I existed longer in this soul lane then you. On the other hand humans usually start off pretty weak and you only existed here for about a day or two. I had about a month more time then you to train my soul energy and expand this soul field of ours." She replied.
It took Adila a while to process all that information before asking her questions once again.
"You were already here for a month? And what did you mean by Expand this force field? And what is Soul energy?" Adila asked quickly one after another.
Wafiya just waited till the little girl asked all her questions before actually answering them.
"Oke, I will answer them one at a time, got it?" Wafiya said before sitting down in front of Adila.
Adila nodded her head slowly as she calmed herself down from feeling hyper.
"Well then, let's start.
First off, yes I'm already here for around a month. This is so I could expand the force field and check if the physical body doesn't die.
Secondly, what I meant with Expanding the force field is this bubble that is protecting us from the wild grass outside." She motioned her paw to the barrier surrounding both of them, the tree and the dirt.
"When I came in here it was already pretty big, but had allot of weak spots. That could of been dangerous if left alone for too long. It is still not that strong but we'll fix that in due time. I think it has something to do with the ill tree, but I'm not completely sure...
Lastly, Soul energy is simply the energy that souls can emit out of their existence into the surroundings. Here I'll give you an example." She suddenly announced.
She murmured a 'becareful, I'm still not very good at this' before she positioned herself like she would meditate and closed her eyes.
Her brows furrowed in deep concentration, as she streched her paw upwards.
After a few moments sweat drops started to roll of her face, but she didn't seem to mind as she continued.
Suddenly a green little flame flickered an inch above her paw, as she carefully opened her eyes to see her creation.
The little flame didn't seem to permit warmth as it harmlessly stood and flickered it's little green tongue, yet Adila couldn't help but admire the little wonder with stars in her eyes.
"Magic." She suddenly mumbled unconsciously as she still stared at the little marvel above the wolf's paw.
Wafiya continued concentrating on permitting her soul energy till she looked like she was about to faint, so she extinguish the flame and put her paw back down. She took a deep breath before she too toppled down.
This time Adila helped Wafiya with sitting up against the tree trunk, as they enjoyed the moment of silence indulged in their own thoughts again.
"Did you say something while I was concentrating?"
Adila looked up at Wafiya then down to her feet in concentration.
"... I think I did.
Mhm, I don't really remember, but I think it started with... Yeah I think it started with a 'ma'."
"Did you say something about how Magnificent I was?" Wafiya bragged rather proudly.
Adila looked at the wolf in astonishment before she just smiled at her antics and shook her head indicating no.
Wafiya looked a little less proud but still continued.
"Did you maybe, say I was Impressive beyond compare?"
Adila giggled rather amused
"That don't even have a 'ma' in the word, silly." She said still amused as she continued
"I don't think I was complementing you when I said it. I think I said something about the wonder you created, above your paw, out of thin air."
Wafiya seemed to pout for a bit as she mumbled something under her breath rather displeased.
However that didn't last long as she again resolved herself to continue with the subject at hand, though still a bit upset.
After thinking about the little girl's statement, Wafiya looked down Adila with a bit pique.
"I didn't create the green flame out of thin air, did I not just explain what soul energy is?"
She argued with irritation rather loudly.
Adila looked tense when Wafiya's tone increased, but afterwards sheepishly looked down at her feet, mumbling a 'sorry' with shame.
Wafiya looked down at Adila before looking at her own paws and lastly looking at the grass surrounding them.
She sighed before taking a deep calming breath so her tone would be normal.
"It's oke, as long as you learn from the mistake I won't blame you too much."
Then looked down at Adila
"Now, as apology I want you to say how Awesomely Amazing I was bringing such an awe-inspiring green flame in existence." She declared rather playfully.
At that Adila carefully looked up Wafiya before a small genuine smile appeared on her face.
"Ow yes, you were absolutely Awesomely Amazing when you made such an awe-inspiring green flame appear in existence." She expressed dramatically playing along before giggling.
They looked at each other before they both began laughing obnoxiously loud as they both, again, fell to the ground.
After a long period of time of laughing without enough oxygen they both began calming down, but didn't dare look at eachother for fear they might start laughing their lungs out again.
With still some giggles here and there they continued their conversation, but not as serious since they couldn't.
"So, what do you *giggle* call what you *weird snicker* made just then?" Adila questioned still trying to stop giggling.
"A green flame *Wolfish giggle?*
Why do you *weird happy bark* ask?"
Adila took a deep breath now becoming a bit annoyed at the constant giggles and weird noises.
"I mean, what do you call creating that little flame of soul energy?" She corrected before she made a weird snigger.
"Ahh, you would call it Soul Enchantment, Soul Spell Creation, or Soul Magic, but you can also just call them without the 'Soul' part."
A wolfish chuckle emerged from the still-not-recovered wolf.
"Wait, say the last one again." She responded quickly
"Umh, Soul Magic?"
Wafiya replied somewhat uncertain of the request.
"Without the 'Soul' part."
"... Yes, now I remember, that's what I said."
Adila declared proudly.
"Ah, so they have magic in your old world?"
"Umh, I don't think so, but I hope so...
Does everybody here have magic, in and outside the Soul lane?"
"Mhm, I don't think they do, but I wouldn't know since I don't know in what state others are in their soul field, or how the world outside the soul lane is. But I do know that achieving magic needs education, resources and time, so I don't think everybody can do magic."
Adila thought about what the wolf said till she suddenly got stars in her eyes again and looked at Wafiya.
"Can I learn magic?"
She seemingly pleaded.
Wafiya noticed the bigger-then-normal eyes but she ignored it and gave out a bit of a logical answer.
"Well, for education I can teach you a bit of how magic works, but seeing as I myself am not all that good in it you should be able to learn further in the world where you are given birth. About recources, we don't have anything to really speed up your soul magic skills, but because you are in the soul lane in our soul field it will be easier to do Soul Magic. As you are now quite litterly a soul, it will be easier to tap into your Soul Energy supply.
And lastly, time. We got 7 months before you are send out of our soul terrain and into the womb where our physical body is, so I think that would be enough time to learn magic." She replied before mumbling how teaching magic was already part of the schedule she made and destroyed.
Once she got out of her mumbling-state she looked back at the little girl.
"Any questions?"
The little girl thought about it.
"Umh yes.
When you were talking about the time we have, don't we have 9 months before we are born?
And what is a womb?"
The wolf raised an eyebrow at the Adila's auestions
"Mhm, not really the questions I expected, but questions nonetheless." She said before continuing.
"It's true it takes 9 months before we are born, but after 7 months you are sent into the body, because it will become too hard for me to control and check the body from here in the soul terrain.
And the womb is the part of the body where the babies are made."
Adila couldn't really imagine this womb, but still continued her questions.
"Are you controlling the body right now?"
"Why are you controlling the body instead of me?"
"Because you aren't even strong enough to run for 5 minutes as a soul, let alone controlling a living being." Wafiya said teasingly.
Adila childishly huffed at that statement, but couldn't deny it.
"You said I was going to go in the physical body, so why don't you go if I'm so weak?" She argued and even crossed her arms to show that she was as serious as a soul of the age of 2 days can be.
"That is because werewolves are born human, smarty-pants.
And even though I said you are weak, that's because Now you can't run for 5 minutes as a soul, but we will see about that once 7 months of training have past." She ended saying with an evil smirk.
Although Adila's back broke into a cold sweat of the malicious intention from that evil smirk, she still stood as tall as a 6-year-old's body can.
Then Wafiya suddenly looked depressed and stood up.
"Let me first make the schedule, again..." She mumbled pitifully as she dragged herself to the dirt patch.
Adila only chuckled a bit before she followed the depressed wolf.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, that all folks.
Have a nice day :3
{Total Word count: 1904}
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