Let's start (part 1)

Adila asked looking sideways at the wolf sitting next to her.
Wafiya didn't turn to look at the little girl, but you could see her ears twitching indicating she was listening.
"Why do you care so much for the mate?"
Wafiya turned to look at the girl with a bit of an irritated expression.
"Didn't I just explain to you why it is important?"
Adila got a bit frightened hearing Wafiya use that sort of tone.
Although her voice was more quiet she still continued.
"I know Why it is important, I just do not know why you care. Have you ever met it before?"
Wafiya looked at Adila before sighing. She still seemed a bit annoyed but started calming down.
"No I have not."
Adila also calmed down after Wafiya wasn't irritated anymore.
"Then why?"
Wolfiya seemed to think about how to say her next words.
"I just do."
As if sensing Adila's confusion she continued.
"Just like you I also have an instinct, meaning I know it without learning it. What I do know is that the Moongoddess has granted me this, just like all the other werewolf half-souls."
"Ah" Adila said with a bit of surprise
"That's why you know everything."
Although Wolfiya tried not to show it, she felt a bit of pride swell in her chest by the compliment.
"Ah yes, I am very knowledgable aren't I. Well, I do not know everything but I do know allot."
Wafiya studied Adila's face before chuckling a bit.
"And I definitely know allot more then you." Before laughing a bit louder.
Although Adila felt insulted, she couldn't help but smile at Wafiya's statement. Then started laughing with her too.
After the laughter died down Adila abruptly stood up.
"Well then, let's start!"
"Start what?"
Adila turned to face Wafiya.
"Were you not going to teach me how to make our mate proud?" She said in an almost teasing manner.
"Alright then." Wafiya said seeming to have a smirk on her face.
She then stood up right infront of Adila.
"Let's begin."
"As your teacher I will be making a schedule of what we will be doing."
Wafiya said as she stood up and walked to a larger patch of dirt before sitting down infront of it. She used her paw to motion Adila to sit a little further infront of her.
It took Adila a little while before she understood what Wafiya meant with her paw, and sat down where she needed to.
She asked while curiously looking at what Wafiya was doing.
"We are going to make a list of what activities we are going to do these next few days."
Wafiya said not looking at Adila, while using her tail to flatten the ground infront of both of them.
"Why for the next days? Am I not going to stay here for 9 months?"
Wafiya glanced at Adila for a moment before continuing her task.
"That's a good question my student, the reason I said 'these next few days' was because I am not sure how fast you will learn what I tell you, maybe you will not like how I made the schedule, or after some time you will have to learn new things so we will have to change the schedule."
So Adila sat on her patch of dirt looking at what Wafiya was drawing with the tips of her paw. Adila was pretty confused at why the wolf was making weird connected lines, but kept quiet about it seeing how focused she was.
After a while Wafiya seemed satisfied with her work and looked up at Adila who was still trying to make sense of what Wafiya has made.
"This is what we are going to start off with." Wafiya proclaimed proudly.
Adila stared at the lines on the ground still trying to make sense of it.
"... You have no idea what I did do you?"
Adila looked up at Wafiya and carefully nodded.
"This right here" The wolf pointed at her work "is what you would call Writings or Written words."
"Written words? You mean you can actually Write words, into these weird connected lines?" Adila exclaimed rather surprised.
Wafiya looked at Adila in disbelief as she studied the girl's confused face before she sighed.
The wolf shook her head in astonishment.
"Why am I even surprised?" She muttered to herself before she took a deep breath to calm down and faced Adila again.
"Yes, you can actually write words..." Wafiya revealed rather hopelessly.
Then a familiar awkward silence came.
"... Sooo, are you going to teach me how to draw the words?" Adila asked a bit unsure of what else to say.
Wafiya became a bit more serious at the request.
"Well first we are going to have more space to write, so let me just wipe all my hard work away." She hesitantly used her tail to platten the ground again.
After she was done she resolved herself to continue, then drew a big letter A.
"Oke, so first we will start with the letter A"
"What is the Letter A?" Adila asked.
"Well the letter A is the first letter of the alphabet." Wafiya answered.
"What is the Alphabet?" Adila asked.
"Well the alphabet is a list of all the letters." Wafiya answered.
"What is a Letter?" Adila continued asking.
"A letter is what you use to form a word." She answered once again.
"Then, How do you form a word with a letter?" She asked once again.
"By putting different set of letters in a distinct order to make specific words." She said, becoming a bit irritated with all the questions.
"What?" Adila said a bit more careful but still confused of what the wolf said.
"What I mean is like this.
Every word is special with it's own way of writing and pronouncing. And different letters or letters in a different combination cause the word to be pronounced differently." Wafiya was starting to get a headache with all this explaining but still continued.
"You see this A right here? Well if I put a... M behind it, the word becomes AM. This system works like this so a person will be able to understand what another is trying to tell him or her."
Adila thought about it, but staring at the tree she got confused again.
"So wait, if written words and how you pronounce the words are so special because they are all different, why is it that tree and three are spoken the same yet they mean something completely different?"
Now Wafiya was visibly annoyed, but like the good teacher she is trying to be she continued, even trying to look calm but failing terribly.
"You write them differently."
"What's different?"
"There is a silent H in three but in tree, the one of bark, there is no silent H."
"Why silently if it is suppose to be special?"
"Because that's how it is."
"And Why is it like that?"
Wafiya suddenly just snapped as her forehead looked like she popped a vain or two.
"That's it!" She growled as she stomped all over the big letters AM.
"Teaching how to write is just too annoying!"
Adila saw how the wolf's big frame jumped around on the dirt, so focused on crushing the innocent letters AM that she didn't noticed all the dirt flying everywhere.
Adila barely suppressed a giggles.
Wafiya needed a moment to take deep breaths again before continuing.
"You know what? You will just have to learn how to write in the world you are going to live in after birth."
That seemed to resolve things, but for Adila she couldn't help wanting to laugh out loud at Wafiya's tantrum so she let another comment sly in.
"But how will I be able to know what you write in the schedule?" Adila said with a sly smirk
Wafiya wanted to answer that, although a bit annoyed, till she saw the sly smirk across the little girl's face.
Recognition flashed in the wolf's eyes before she too had a wolfish smirk across her face.
"Ow, so that's how you're going to play huh." She said rather contemptuously as she positioned herself like she was about to hunt her prey. There started to be a weak aura of playful killing intent surrounding her.
Although Adila didn't completely understand why the wolf reacted like that, her instinct told her they were about to play a game and she was going to have to run away at any given moment.
After moments of just staring at each other with their evil smirks, Wafiya's ears twitched. At that moment Adila's legs just propelled themselves away towards the tree as Wafiya followed with rather slow yet big strides after the fast but shortlegged human.
Although the tree wasn't far Adila used most of her newborn energy to launch herself away from the threat, but she was already almost out of breath with her 6-year-old body.
When she reached the tree she made a quick sharp turn around it and hid behind the ill plant as she gasped for air.
Wafiya ran towards the tree and just as she was about to get knocked into it she elegantly sidestepped ending up right next to Adila. She pressed her snout gently in Adila's side but because Adila could hardly stand she just toppled over.
Adila was still grasping for air as she lay there defeated on the ground.
With the help of Wafiya's paw Adila managed to sit up straight against the tree still breathing heavily.
"Just breath in through your nose and breath out through your mouth." Wafiya insisted as she even did an example.
Adila did as Wafiya said and slowly she could breath normally again.
Adila looked at her self a bit disappointed.
She could hardly do anything without being on the verge of dying.
"Before I prove myself for our mate, I first got to be able to do things without almost dying."
She affirmed more to herself then anyone else as she chuckled a bit in self-mockery.
Wafiya gave a bit of a concerned look before she gave the little girl an assured smile.
"And I'll help you, or dig your grave, whichever comes first."
Adila looked at Wafiya stunned into astonishment before she scoffed at the wolf's statement and gave a chuckle.
"You better not use your teeth to drag me to the gravesite got it?"
They both just have each other a weird smirk.
"I won't."
Then they both laughed at how ridicules the other looks.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hello readers,
I first wrote like 3700 words for this chapter, before I realized I could splits it into parts.
(Yay me :D)
I have more chapters for the story and you guys get to read more chapters, a win-win situation for everybody.
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading it as I enjoyed writing it.
Have a nice day :3
{Total Word count: 1836}
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