Popular Girls in their Natural Habitat

The most popular of them all, the queen bee, the alpha, is Diamond Riolin. Yes, you heard me right, Diamond Riolin. And yes, her parents are on drugs. Diamond was always a pretty girl, ever since she was born. She grew up to become model beautiful. She's untouchable with blonde curls, ice blue eyes and creamy skin. She is known for her tall blonde beauty. She's very manipulative. She's not dumb either, she's actually on the honor role. But she is mean. She could care less about me or you or anyone. She leads naturally. She's going to be prom queen. Everyone knows it. She does sports like cheerleading, soccer and basketball too. Granted, she's not very good at them. You can't be that great at sports when you're far more concerned about your appearance. Try checking your makeup during a soccer game. See how many goals it scores you. Still, she had to maintain her image. Her flawless image. Second, is her beta Charlotte. Charlotte is pretty in a more average way. She's a slim brunette with pale porcelain skin and big brown eyes to match her hair. Her hair is long and straight with blunt bangs. She is dressed exquisitely in the most expensive and fashionable clothes of this year. She is the richest student at Rosewood by far. Her family could buy the place. She's also the smartest. She is going to either Harvard or Yale for college. She's already early admission Yale. She's just that smart. She's also scarily ambitious. She doesn't give anyone the time of day. Next one done is Taylor. Taylor's the athlete of the group. She is an expert at all sports. She's the captain of the soccer, basketball, volley ball and field hockey teams. She's just that good. She's taller and more muscular than the rest of the girls. She is African American and has dark hair eyes and skin. She's more hot than pretty. To her pretty means delicate, and she is not delicate. She is competitive and aggressive. She'll be a sports scholarship for sure. She likes flaunting her strength. Farther down still is Sofia. Sofia is the shortest of the girls at 5'0. She's adorable and pretty, a Latina girl with golden brown skin, brown eyes and curly brown hair. She's cute in every way. She's also the most girl next door of the popular girls. She's sweet and kind. She's fairly artistic and good at sports. She's nice, I guess. I think she's the most boring of the girls. Last and at the base of the pyramid with a few other girls is Lucy. Lucy is a tan, curvy, bleached blonde who loves to party. She is also partying and she'll do almost anything with anyone. She has a new boyfriend practically every day. Honestly, though, she's a little insecure. She knows that she's not as popular as the girls above her.
Slowly, after a cheer or two, the girls broke off to go home and study. Tomorrow will be another agonizing day of school. They knew that. The popular clique sauntered off together. Lucy lagged behind, her ponytail lank and straight, probably because of too many chemicals. She looked sad. Her eyes were empty, searching. She turned to Diamond.
" Di could we talk?" She asked. Stupid girl.
" Sorry Luce!" Diamond replied cheerily. " I have to hit the gym! And you really should too. You're looking heavier than usual." Diamond commented. Lucy stared on after Diamond until she was in the field alone. She stared up at the sky.
" Goodbye." She muttered. A tear ran down her cheek. Lucy knew exactly what she wanted.
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