
Dad...Im coming home...Rosswood Park.. Sonic and the gang came up, including Sapphire. Tears almost flooded the room. "Keep up the good work, Sapph," Alexis cried, hugging her oldest friend goodbye. "Kick that Jeff whatever his names butt," she smiled looking at her friend right in the eyes. Both hedgehog and phantom cried, hugging each other. "I'll miss you guys so much." Alexis looked around.
"Where is Shadow?" Everyone shrugged, really confused. "I think he told us to tell you goodbye for him," Sonic replied as Alexis looked down, really sad. The proxies held her last suitcases as she went downstairs to the portal. Her dad, Slenderman, was staring at her through the portal as she smiled. "I'm coming home-" something cut her off. Two black arms around her waist as Sapphire giggled. Alexis embraced Shadow for the last time. "Don't forget the love I felt for you," Shadow whispered to her before kissing her. "Slendergirl..." Alexis pulled away. "Thank you all... for everything." Alexis' proxies stepped through the portal as she looked back, turning into her Slendergirl form. "Good bye, Alexis." Was the last thing she heard as she stepped through and the portal shattered as she hugged Slenderman. "Hi daddy...good bye Alexis Phantom, hello Slendergirl."
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