Now its their first encounter.

Darren's P.O.V.
Melissa, Trails, and I had helped that guy onto the couch. His wings fluttered while he slept as my brother and his fiancé walked over. "Melissa, this is my brother, Kaze the Hedgehog and his fiancé Sapphire the Merhog." I chuckled. "Well I guess I should say she's my sister in law now." Melissa looked at her and my brother before bowing gracefully. "Hello your majesties." My brother chuckled and helped her up. "No need to call us that, friend. Are you from this dimension?" My brother spoke to her so calm and peacefully. "No Kaze, I'm from Mobius." "I heard its lovely there," Sapphire smiled holding Kaze's arm happily. "It is for the most part," Melissa replied. "I was just there," I replied looking at my brother. "Why?" "I needed to gather something," I replied stuffing something into my pocket. Sapphire noticed Melissa looking still in awe around the palace. "Have you been around royalty before Melissa?" She asked letting go of Kaze. Melissa stuttered with her words. She looked down, something about what Sapphire said made her feel strange. "Y- I- I've 'dealt' with royalty before," she finally managed to choke out.
Melissa's P.O.V.
Yes I was around royalty. That king...those scientists...they were fools. Mephiles hurt them, we were forced to follow him. I didn't want to hurt these people. I suddenly felt dizzy. I had to leave. They would hurt me to. No...Melissa calm down, they won't hurt you. I rubbed my temples and sighed. "You okay?" Kaze asked looking at me. "Yes." I replied looking up at him. We all froze hearing a groan from the sleeping figure. I forgot he was even there. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I stared back trying to read his expression. "You alright?" Trails asked looking at him. "Yes, but where am I?" "You don't know?" He shook his head no. "This is Cosium." "I did it!" He replied cheering and smiling brightly. He chuckled before looking back at us. "I am Andrew, Andrew the Bat."
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Age: 36.
Species: Wolf
Looks: I'll get a link.
Family: One father and mother. See More
Nicknames: Scar or Scarry