A Mystery Unfolds
"Accio beard!" Voldy yelled, waving his wand. For once he (okay, me) had remembered that he was a wizard capable of many things. These things did not include an appreciation of Shakespearean plays and romance or really any athletic ability, but neither of those really matter.
Anyways, the beard flew gracefully from Wormtail to Voldemort. Wormtail started to cross the street, and Voldy figured out how to wear his beard.
When he had the beard on and an approving nod from Nagini, Voldy turned to face Wormtail.
But, for some reason, the strange little fellow was not there.
"Wormtail?" Voldy scanned the road.
There was nothing.
"Oh troll warts," Voldy said angrily. "Where has the fool gotten to now?"
"Did you remember seeing anything?" Voldy asked Nagini. "Anything suspicious?" They were sitting on the steps to his house.
"No," she replied. The snake was rather annoyed - of course she didn't see anything, her eyes were hardly six inches off the ground!
And here comes a moment that, if it hadn't happened, Voldy may have had to call up another Death Eater to come and be his servant. Life may have never returned to normal.
Of course, why did he care at all about Wormtail? This is the Dark Lord, remember. He was born from a soup in a graveyard and liked causing the destruction of windows and other glass objects in the Ministry of Magic in the movies. But, you see, none of his other followers would want to be a servant in his house. Wormtail, however, was okay with it. Voldemort had given this much thought, and knew he would quickly grow tired of the other Death Eaters if he had to live with them. Wormtail was also a decent cook. He knew how to work a laptop and iPhone. He was good at keeping the house in at least moderate shape. And, come to think of it, the other Death Eaters had lives and jobs.
Voldy happened to be inspecting a tear in his robes when he noticed the wallet in his pocket. The wallet that Nagini had swiped from a passing person when they were waiting for Wormtail to come out with a beard.
He opened the wallet.
After casting aside some Muggle money, he came upon a photograph.
"This had better not be related to Wormtail's disappearance," Voldy growled.
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