The husband

When first met in the coffee shop, you were so sweet. That dashing smile that blew me away must have attracted ladies far and wide. And yet you chose me, we dated only 13 months before you proposed and although I knew it was too soon I said yes. You showered me in all different kinds of flowers; you said you would buy the botanical gardens if it made me happy. The wedding was glorious, with all are friends and family the day was truly perfect.
Sugar is sweet and so are you
While many dreamed about the perfect husband I had found him. Breakfast in bed, fine dining every week, it in many ways made up for you working late. I still remember are first valentines I got you violets and you got me roses you then proceeded to laugh at the irony, what happy days.
But the roses are wilted and the violets are dead
Sadly the honeymoon period ended and almost as if a flick had been switched. Out went the flowers; the nights out. You became lazy and selfish and in many ways I thought it was my fault. As the months went on you became increasingly distant and my suspicions began to grow. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions but when I saw her text you just pushed me over the edge.
The sugar jar is empty and my hands are stained red
My mother always said if you want something then just take it, so I’m taking dear old mummy’s advice and the thing I want; well your heart of course. You shouldn’t cry my sweet; crocodile tears don’t work with me anymore. Gone is your little sweet innocent darling she has been replaced, don’t you just the love irony. I am very sorry it has to end like this but you know what they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, bye-bye my dear.
Roses by the tombstone, violets shoot up from the earth
I cried for you, just like any mourning bride is expected to and if I was not too busy crying I would have laughed. The police have arrested someone; that blonde bimbo you were with they suspect that once she found out you had a wife she went crazy. Almost everybody believes that I’m just a poor sad widow. My parents of all the people in the world are having some trouble believing me, oh well maybe you will have some company soon.
There’s no sweetness to this sugar and dead is all you worth
Its spring now and flowers are starting to bloom again. I laughed when I realised that is was wild violets that started to grow around your tomb, although there are times when I miss you. I just have to look at your picture to remember that you broke me and in the end if I didn’t kill you then I’m sure karma would have kicked your ass so I was really doing you a favour.
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