Potania (DBZ)

Name: Potania (no official last name currently)
Race: Saiyan
Gender: Cisgender female
Age: 15
Appearance: Thin but toned muscles, an ivory/apricot skin tone, extremely dark teal almost black (blue tint is hardly noticeable), she's almost always wearing her Saiyan armor unless it's a special occasion like a wedding or funeral and even so she will find some way to wear some piece of her armor
Personality Traits: Extremely blunt, it's rare for her to sugar coat things, irritable and a clean freak, however she is really kind once you get to know her, she just has an odd way of showing love.
Quote: No one is going to be there for you in the end besides you, that's why I do everything I can to be the best I can so in the end I always have someone looking out for me. (when asked why she trains so hard)
Don't be such a damn idiot! You have a brain in there somewhere so use it! (When ever she feels someone is being stupid)
That sounds like a you problem. (When ever anyone complains to her about trivial things like relationships or school)
Look, I may not be your most favorite person in the universe, possibly even your least favorite, but you can trust me to protect you when you need me to. (When she makes an alliance to someone during battle)
-Combat Info-
Style: She is generally balanced however she relies more on her close range combat than long range
Commonly used attacks: Assult rain, Spirit Slash and Mach Kick/Punch
Transformation: SSJ1, SSJ2 and Great Ape
Strengths: She is really fast with kicks and punches, has great stamina control and almost never misses an attack (unless situations are different like she's dying or using a powerful Ki attack)
Weaknesses: She has poor Ki control especially when angry or depressed
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