Hell's Minion

She didnt know why, but everything... burned. She felt like she was on fire. Like everything around her was cooking her.
What had she done?
Oh, yeah. Thats right.
She killed an angel.
"Hey, Anthony. Did you see that new girl? The one with the white hair?" Jaiden asks, nudging Anthony and nodding to the new girl. She had white hair, and was wearing some kind of japanese schoolgirl outfit, but black and red.
"Yeah, what about her?" He flick his pencil, catching it midair in his teeth. "Dude, shes hoooot!" He rolls his eyes, then goes to say something when she looks dead at him.
"Holy shit." Her eyes... it's like looking into an ice covered ocean...
She notices him looking at her, then slightly smiles.
"Whoa... Those eyes..." Anthony whispers, unable and, quite frankly, unwilling to look away. He was... mesmerized was a little too subtle. Stunned didnt even cut it. Jesus...
"Hello. It is very nice to meet you." She states, walking directly to Anthony. "Uh... hey." He replies, trying not to look her in the eye. This can't be happening. No freakin' w-
"My name is Anna. What is yours?" She asks, standing in front of Anthony. He thought before stuttering, "A-a-anthony. Its meet to nice you... aw, crap! Uh, its uhm... neet to mice you..?" She giggled, then sat down next to him. "Theres no need to be nervous around me. I shall not bite."
No freaking way. Was she flirting? No, thats not what she was doing. She was j-
"I need a... friend, but one I may call my own." She says, trying to think of the word. He thought for a moment, then asked, "Dont you mean boyfriend?"
She smiled widely, then exclaimed, "Yes! That is what I need. You seem to be... suitable. Shall i call you my... 'boyfriend?'"
Shocked, Anthony replied, "Look, normaly I'd say hell yeah, but we JUST met not even three miniutes ago. Besides," he adds, unplugging his flashdrive from the computer, "Not only that, I'm focusing on school." Before leaving her, still sitting there, stunned and amazed. No one had ever been able to resist her. It just wasnt in human nature TO resist!
She growled. No way. No! He cant do this to her! NO! She needed HIM! Not the other way around!!!
"At least think about it?" She called out, then growled again when he waved her off.
She'd get him to come around.
Just wait.
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Im aslo working on a OcXYuno fanfic.
*deep, respectful bow*
*laughs evily*