
How?! Such a girl in so much pain, and we didn't see her running through the hallway. That's it. I'm done messing around with these girls. Storming down the hallway, my long black hair bounced off my back, and my pale skin started turning red from anger. Behind me, I heard the steps of the two people running with me.
"Mme, I have some more information about the girls that might be useful." Samekichi running beside me.
"What is it?" (Me)
"I'll start listing the girls. Lilliuth, the blonde, is a known thief on the streets. She has done some bad things to keep her family alive. Normally, she will probably do anything here to keep her friends alive." (Samekichi)
"Interesting. Since her mouth is sewed up, she can't talk too much." (Bloodie)
"You do some crazy stuff, Mme." (Samekichi)
"Like you don't, Mr. Psycho. When will we see that side of you again?" I said laughing.
"Shut the hell up but soon." (Samekichi)
"Continue." (Bloodie)
"Oh right. Aleasha, blue and white haired, has a rather unknown past. Her mother and father are no where in the data base, but we did find a serve case of depression and suicide from her files." (Samekichi)
"So she is wanting to die like that?" (Me)
"I guess so. Karuka, the blind one, was orphaned off and neglected at a young age. From what I have discovered on my own, she is almost fully deaf as well. Easy prey to get alone." (Samekichi)
"You are right. However, never judge a book by its cover." (Me)
"Even if it is so, blind and deaf never work good together." (Bloodie)
"Mary, the black hair, has had a spirit related past and also taken self defense classes. Strange she hasn't used them yet." (Samekichi)
"She is waiting for the right chance." (Me)
"Danni, brown hair, had her mother die at seven and is a known skateboarder around the area. Other than that, she is completely normal." (Samekichi)
"I'm not sure about that. She looked at us as if she saw a ghost." (Bloodie)
"Mukri, the purple one, did not have a much data on her. All I could tell is she is afraid to be alone. Nothing really else." (Samekichi)
"Wonderful. She could be a hidden murder, and we don't know." (Me)
"I highly HIGHLY doubt that little brat could kill someone." (Samekichi)
"Ok. Since they still trust you, go find them. Hurry!" (Me)
Out of the glimpse of my eye, I saw Samekichi shake his head and run the other way. Some part of me figured if this Adrienne girl was anything like her sister that she would know about Samekichi already. However, I just need her alive to get the rotten thief. The weapons and food is one thing, but those records are what I'm after. Most of my gangs profiles were in there including mine. Alice probably already knows everything about me.
Shaking my head, I made it into the kitchen. The two experiments were in the corner with a knife in S-28P's hand. Blood dripped off the edge of the knife slowly. Looking at the girls, the one Samekichi called Mary was laying in the floor holding her small arm as Danni put pressure on Mary's wound. Laying in the corner, I saw my idiot brother watching the girls. By now, he knows to just follow what the others do.
Glaring at X-L38 and S-28P, I felt my blood begin to boil over the anger inside of me. Walking to the wall, I pulled my fist back and punched the wall. Splinters went all inside my fist as the wall had a giant hole in the wall.
"Mme, calm down." Bloodie smiling.
"Ignorant. Little.." I said pulling my hand back and staring at the girls.
"What happened?" Bloodie pointing at Mary.
"She started attacking us. We had to stop her." (S-28P)
"Markus! Are they telling the truth!" I said with my eyes darted at Markus.
"Yes." (Markus)
"Already. There is a new plan. This one they can listen on." (Me)
"What is it?" (X-L38)
"If Samekichi doesn't succeed, the girls here will be our bait in completing the plan. The girl called Adrienne. Her sister is Alice. I plan to have Adrienne lure me to Alice." (Me)
"So how did you find out?" (Markus)
"Samekichi has his moments." (Me)
"What will you do with us?" Mary in unimaginable pain.
"Well kill you of course." (Me)
"If we let you live, you could just go report the police on us." (Bloodie)
After saying that, Danni and Mary's eyes widen in fear over the thought of dying. Karuka I thought probably did not hear, but I then noticed her small hands clinching onto Danni's jacket. Three little girls terrified out of their lives. This reminded me of the story of the three little pigs except without the houses.
Smiling, I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed me a nice cold apple. I fiercely took a bite into the apple. I never really cared too much for the taste, but I just wanted to eat it in the girls' face. Their eyes lusting craving the delicious juices of the apple. Their tongues salivating over what their stomachs were aching for.
My prey. My victims. Soon, they would all be dead, and I would have revenge. Biting deeply into the apple, I watched as each one of the girls held onto each other with fear. Finally, the moment I had been waiting for will slowly arrive.
Asami's Point Of View
As a ghost, I am known to be undetected at times. This moment was one of those times. As I stood by the new love birds, I watched while tears rolled down Lilliuth's face. Her lips were shut. Her words were untouchable, but Adrienne held her tight. Pushing her back, a smile grew on Adrienne's face.
Adrienne ordered, "Don't move." Reaching for her pocket, a large knife appeared in her hand. Pressing it under the string, Adrienne pulled back and watched the string break. Then, I figured she would pulled the cut string out through the holes in Lilliuth's mouth, but she didn't. Adrienne continued disconnecting the strings till there were no strings attached. I felt a smile grow on my face. The voiceless girl could finally speak.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Lilliuth hugging Adrienne tighter.
"I'm glad you are ok." Adrienne hugging back.
"Where are the other girls?" (Mukri)
"Those monsters took them to the kitchen." (Lilliuth)
"Wait, do y'all hear something?" (Aleasha)
Hearing the footsteps, I passed through the wall and glared down the hallway. Walking down was the evil Samekichi with a smile growing on his face. Even though he seems fine now, Samekichi has a split personality. One minute, he is the awesome guy he is, and then next minute, he is a cold blooded crazy killer.
Popping back into the hallway, they heard Samekichi saying, "Hey, guys! Where are you?" A disguised look merged on Adrienne's face at each word he said. Then, her brown eyes widened.
"I have an idea!!" (Adrienne)
"What?" (Hatto)
"I will go out there and have a friendly chat with him. If he starts becoming too suspicious, I will know what to do." Her eyes started growing sad as she said those words.
Every one nodded with her head and agreed with the plan as Adrienne started running down the hallway to the weapons room. Arriving at the entrance door, she checked the setting out for any one and then opened the door. Slowly, Adrienne breathed in and out as she shut the door.
Did Samekichi actually impress a girl? It was impossible. Maybe, I was missing something here. I watched how they reacted always staring at each other but still.
Adrienne laid her back against the wall as she waited for him. When Samekichi got sight of her, a certain part of him seemed to lighten up inside. A smile actually grew on his devilish face. The same smile that he had before killing me.
"Adrienne! I'm so glad to have found you!" Samekichi running to her with his arm wide open.
"I'm so glad you are alive! What happened?" Adrienne embracing his hug.
"They started slashing knives at Shin and me. When I turned around, the girl had already started killing Shin. I got a chance and ran away. Where are the others?" Samekichi holding her tight.
"I'm not sure. We got separated from each other." Adrienne lying.
"I guess we better go find them." Samekichi pulling away.
"I guess so." Adrienne walking away while Samekichi followed.
"So, why do you continue to make sure they are safe? I mean you appear like you could get out of here pretty easy." (Samekichi)
"Oh, I could. This place is well trapped. But to answer your question, I love them. They are like my sisters." (Adrienne)
"Do you not have sisters? Or family?" (Samekichi)
"Oh, I do." (Adrienne)
"Do you see her much?" (Samekichi)
"Actually, I have a question for you." Adrienne stops in front of him. "If it was a knife fight, why don't you have any marks on you? Also, where did you get those splitters if you were walking looking for us?"
"Well um you see.." Samekichi stuttered as his eyes started turning cloudy.
"I knew it, and to think I actually liked you." (Adrienne)
"Liked me? Really?" Samekichi eyes turning to normal.
"Took you that long to figure it out?" (Adrienne)
" you can't. I'm a monster. A cold blooded killer." Samekichi looking away.
"Then, why haven't you killed me yet?" (Adrienne)
"I.." Samekichi shocked as Adrienne pulled a knife out and handed it to him.
"Go ahead kill me! I dare you!" (Adrienne)
Samekichi grabbed the knife and stared at it for a minute. How could this girl be so stupid? He will kill her! No way he could care enough not to. Standing behind Adrienne, I held my arms out ready to pull her away. With a force of his arm, I watched the monster make his decision.
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!