Friends Forever

Walking through the dark passageway, I realized just how this place was the only place in this entire nightmare house that did not have blood covered on every wall. The dark atmosphere made my mind circle out in every corner. Glaring at Adrienne, I started to wonder more about my friend. How did she know so much about weapons and traps? Was there a side of Adrienne I didn't know? What am I talking about? We all have secrets, but I have to find out hers. Also, I have to learn if the rumor I heard was true.
Her red hair stopped moving as Adrienne pressed her ear against the door. Pulling my white hair back, I realized just how much I needed to re-streak my hair. Sadly, my mind was focusing on other things instead watching Adrienne tie the metal string around the shotgun trigger. Pushing on the wall, the door began to twist open. Twisting her head side to side, Adrienne strung the other side of the string to almost to the bottom of the floor and tied it against a wooden stick. Looking around, Adrienne found a fairly large hole and stuck the trigger shotgun inside.
After setting the first trap, I decided to talk to Adrienne about what is going on.
"How did you know so much about this?" (Me)
"My sister." Adrienne tying the string the the trigger.
My thoughts echoed, 'I knew it.' "I thought you never knew your sister." I said.
"I did for the first ten years of my life." Adrienne looking around.
"What happened to her?" (Me)
A moment of silence filled around us as Adrienne stooped working on the trap. Glaring up at me, Adrienne's brown eyes covered in a cold, unemotional feeling. Did I say something wrong?
"What I am about to say no one knows. After this, I will tell the others, but now I guess I should tell you." Adrienne continued working.
"What could it possibly be?" (Me)
"The parents I have now are my adopted parents." Adrienne placing the shotgun up.
"Then, what happened to your parents?" (Me)
"Murdered. By my sister." (Adrienne)
"What?!" (Me)
"Yeah, I know. My twin sister, Alice, enjoyed weapons, fighting, war movies, traps, and anything like that. To me, my sister was my hero, so I would watch her do all that. One day, several burglars broke into our house. They placed a pistol to my father's head while they made my father watch them rape my mother. When mother was screaming, Alice woke up. Alice protected us from being the next victims. She killed every one of them." Adrienne shutting the passageway door.
"But, why did she kill your parents?" (Me)
"Something snapped inside Alice's brain after that. She started stealing money to buy weapons, and one day, she killed our parents in their sleep. Alice wouldn't let me see them. She told me they were sleeping. The neighbors started smelling something and called the police. They saw blood on Alice's clothes, so they arrested her." Adrienne walking through the passageway.
"I'm so sorry, but when did you learn this?" (Me)
"When the murders came into town, Alice was with them. As I was walking home one night, she stopped me and told me everything. They never caught Alice. She promised she would protect me." (Adrienne)
"I'm sorry. I never knew." (Me)
"It's fine. After my parents were murdered, I promised to get strong and protect everyone I care about." (Adrienne)
"So, that's why you are like this. Do you think Alice will save us?" (Me)
"I doubt it. I haven't seen her since that day." (Adrienne)
Walking down the passageway, I noticed we had went a total different way than originally.
"Where are we going?" (Me)
"We are going search around before we go back." (Adrienne)
Nodding my head, we started exploring around through the secret passageways. In my mind, I could not focus of how hard Adrienne truly had it. I mean yeah I have s tough life with my family, and sometimes don't want to be here, but her sister killing her family. Wow. She is doing all this brave actions to protect us. While I'm being the coward, Adrienne is trying to save us. Maybe I can do the same.
My blue eyes glimmered at the eyes holes shining a bright light through them. However, even though the light seemed lovely, voices echoed through the walls. Approaching the walls, we heard voices. Mostly female voices laughing over something. Adrienne put her tan finger over her mouth to tell me to be quiet. Sharing the eye holes, we saw two unknown girls surrounded by Lilliuth, a boy and girl holding hands in the corner, and Markus standing beside Danni, Mary, and Karuka. Also, in the middle we saw the remains of a human body.
Glaring more closely at Lilliuth, I noticed blood dripping from her mouth as string entangled through her lips. The monsters had sewed her lips shut. I covered my hands over my mouth to stop me from yelling. The pain Lilliuth has is shown clearly through her eyes. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist as we ran down the hallway.
Adrienne drug me out of the room and back to where Hatto and Mukri were. When we arrived, Hatto was behind the door while Mukri was in the corner. Walking near Mukri, Adrienne stood beside Hatto with a knife clinched tightly. A voice echoed from the door.
"Where are they? They couldn't have gotten far." (???)
Hearing that voice, I knew it was Samekichi. Clinching my fingers together, I hoped Adrienne would not notice it and try to open the door. Instead, we waited patiently for the boy to leave. The noise from his footsteps disappeared. Hatto looked at Mukri and ran to her embracing her. The close connection they have must of happened when we were in the passageways.
"Did the traps go as plan?" Hatto holding Mukri tightly.
"Yes. But, we have other problems." Adrienne backing away from the door.
"What other problems?" Mukri raising up her head from Hatto's shoulder.
"They are starting to torture the others." (Adrienne)
"How do you know?" (Hatto)
"We found a entrance to where the girls are at." (Me)
"Great! Did you find my brother?" Hatto getting excited.
"Hatto, we did. I think. He was murdered." Adrienne looking at the ground.
"No..Shin." Hatto hugging Mukri crying.
"Adrienne, you knew that was Samekichi. Why didn't you let him in?" (Me)
"I think he is connected to all this." (Adrienne)
"I guess we are mounting a rescue mission?" (Mukri)
I was interrupted by a loud gun sound coming from the trap. Someone had triggered it, but who?
Bloodie's Point Of View
Watching the girls, I slowly planned the death of each and every one of them. I liked Mme's idea of sewing lips though. Walking up to her, I whispered, "Can I sew the blind girl's eyes shut?"
Laughing, Mme told me, "No it wouldn't do anything."
"Oh come on! Let me do it!" (Me)
"It wouldn't do much of anything." (X-L38)
"Grrr. Shut up." (Me)
I haven't truly been able to kill anyone since the last group. Oh, how I slammed the girl's head against the bath tub so many times there was no head left from her. Such a wonderful experience. Starring at Mary, a large smile curved on my pale face as I thought she was my victim. However, my thoughts were silence when a loud gun fire exploded through out the room.
"What the heck what that?" (Me)
"I don't know. X-L38, S-28P, take these three to the kitchen. I'll finish this one after I discover what happened. Bloodie, come on." Mme ordered running out the door.
"Roger!" (X-L38)
"Why can't we check it out?" S-28P complained pushing the three girls out the room.
Smirking, I ran after Mme through the hall. Her long extravagant legs ran through the old creaking house. When we arrived, a large gaping hole laid in place instead of a wall. Laying in the floor, we say Samekichi slowly rising up. His white hair covered in grey dust as crack wood laid on his body.
When Mme tried approaching Samekichi, Samekichi yelled, "Stop! There is another wire!" Looking down, a bright glimmering metal rope sat almost about the ground.
"Which one of them could of been so smart?" (Mme)
"Which do you think? I told y'all she was valuable." (Samekichi)
"So the red hair is more than just a pretty face you fell for." (Mme)
"That isn't how it is. I did some research before I targeted her and her friends." (Samekichi)
"What kind of research?" (Me)
"The girl is Alice's twin sister." (Samekichi)
Of all the things Samekichi could say to Mme. Mme's face began to boil. Even though Mme was the leader of our little killer group, Mme is also a very powerful gang leader. When Mme seemed the most relaxed, Alice came around. Alice seemed like a wonderful right hand partner, but one night, Alice went missing along with several expensive weapons, a ton of food, and valuable records about some people in the area. Mme vowed to get Alice back after stealing her stuff and breaking her trust.
"Well. Well. Well. Samekichi, your idea might be canceled for my plan." (Mme)
"What shall it require?" Samekichi standing up and walking over the trap.
"Well I can't kill that girl anyone." Mme grabbing her walkie talkie. "X-L38, get the girl and bring her with you. There has been a change to plans."
"Roger." (X-L38)
"How do you plan to do this?" (Me)
"Lure the girl to us." (Mme)
"Let me do it. She trusts me." (Samekichi)
"Fine. If it doesn't work, I'm using the girls as bait." (Mme)
"Right. They had to get weapons from somewhere. Let's go to the weapons room." (Me)
Walking over the wire, we continued to walk down the hallway to the weapons room. I had to admit the girl was pretty smart to start setting traps. They might actually beat us at our own game. Ha impossible. Opening the weapons room door, I held my knife tightly in my hand ready to see the terrified looks on the girls' faces, but there were none. They were not in the room.
"What? Where are they?" (Samekichi)
"Look something is engraved on the wall." (Me)
" 'You think you can win and kill us all? Don't make me laugh. The real games have only just begun.' Do they really think they have won?" (Mme)
"They have took several different knives, guns, wires, chains, matches and several other supplies." Samekichi checking the inventory,
"Well, I guess she is like her twin. Always stealing what belongs to me. No matter." (Mme)
"Roger. Mme, you there?" X-L38 speaking on the walkie talkie.
"Yes. Are the girls in the kitchen?" (Mme)
"Well that's the thing. The three girls originally ordered are there, but the one we left in the room has disappeared." (X-L38)
"What do you mean disappeared?" (Mme)
"She is gone." (X-L38)
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New Chapter!! Story almost over! :(
Karuka:I love you Markus. *smiles* now even if we somehow don't make it out alive...atleast I will die with you and my friends...
@AnimePup here is one of your characters!!