Citizen Status

Name: Celine
Status: Alive
Sign: Cancer
Birth Date: July 8
Male Parent: Blake
Male Parent's Sign: Cancer
Female Parent: Kyna
Female Parent's Sign: Aquarius
Predicted Match: Sagittarius
I stare at the card in my hands with my citizen information on it. The delivery machine had spewed it out this morning right on schedule, the day before my 15th birthday. I read and reread the words printed neatly on the card. I trace my name, the one thing all citizens know how to write in regular pen. We all just type except for Scribes who keep the Old Writings intact and practice the writing of the old generation. I wish I knew how to write more than just my name. My mother smiles as she looks over at me.
"I remember how excited I was when I first got my citizenship card. They predicted correctly I'd be matched with a Cancer," my mother reminisces.
I nod, "I'm definitely going to be looking at the Sagittarius boys at my school differently." My mother walks over to me and takes the card into her hands.
"Watch this, double tap the center of the card with your pointer finger," my mother tells me. I do as she says, and a miniature hologram of me stands on top of the card.
I gasp at the accurate details, though I know everything in The City is accurate. The mini me doesn't move or blink, just stands there. "Doesn't do much I guess," I say.
My mother nods. "It's just used as a sort of identification thing, so people know it's really you if you try to enter one of the 15+ areas." The 15+ areas are places where only people 15 or older can go, rumors have been spreading around my school for years about what's inside each of them.
"I can't wait for my birthday tomorrow," I say and sigh impatiently. My father then walks in the room. "You got your identification card?" my he asks and walks over for a closer look. I hold it up so he can see. "Double tap the center to put the hologram away Celine, it's activated by only your fingerprint," he tells me. I do as he says, and the text on the card is once more visible so that my father can read it. "Sagittarius eh?" he says with a wink. I give a small giggle and blush. "Aw come ON dad!" My father just smiles knowingly. "My friend invited us to go to The Races today remember? We have to get going," my mother tells my father and I impatiently. "Don't forget that card of yours!" my father calls over his shoulder as he walks out of the room with my mother the get appropriate clothing on for going out to The Races. I wish I could stay and read more of the card, I've heard rumors about more things you could do with it, but I have to go get ready. I get up and go into my room.
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Status: Alive
Sign: Virgo
Birth Date: August 24
Male Parent: Michel See More
Male Parent Sign: Leo
Female Parent: Amethyst
Female Parent Sign: Aquarius
Predicted Match: Virgo
Looks: Dark Choclate brown hair (straight), rare Aquamarine eyes that turn grey and green in different lighting, shortish, pretty, purple glasses
Specialty: all arts, but mostly WRITING!, science and math Can write everything in Old Writing and teaches Celine
Personality: funny, SUPER smart, sarcastic, stubborn, fierce
Other: Is Skylars best friend and an awesome Racer too
catching his breathe at the top of a hill *breath
Only things I minded :) nice writing ;) I love the idea of hover shoe racing
Status: Alive
Sign: Capricorn
Birth Date: Jan 9th
Male Parent: Mark See More
Male Parent Sign: Taurus
Female Parent: Haley
Female Parent Sign: Libra
Predicted Match: _____(uhh...)
Eye colour: Jade green
Hair colour : Dark brown
Length: quite long
Personality: Depends.
status: alive
sign: cancer
birth date: July 7th
male parent: Bracken See More
male parent's sign: leo
female parent: Ava
female parent's sign: cancer
predicted match: virgo
looks: blonde hair and sky blue eyes
height: about normal
personality: varies by mood
Status: Alive
Sign: Leo
Birth Date: July 27
Male Parent: Bob See More
Male Parent Sign: Aries
Female Parent: Blob
Female Parent Sign: Aquarius
Predicted Match: _____(fill this in )
Eye colour: Boring Light Brown
Hair colour : Black
Length: Short not that short though
Specialties: Drawing,sports
style: Simple (jeans and shirt)
personality: Active,Annoying,loud,atheltic,smart,funny.
You can change the parent names
Status: Alive (and healthy! xD)
Sign: Aries
Birth Date: March 24
Male Parent: Fynn See More
Male Parent Sign: Taurus
Female Parent: Elisa
Female Parent Sign: Aquarius
Predicted Match: Gemini
Eye colour: A rare shade of blue (like royal blue, but very bright)
Hair colour : dark brown
Length: tall
Specialties: art, poetry, theatre
style: jean shorts and t-shirts with quotes
personality: calm,warm, pretty, serious (doesn't get jokes and sarcasm), brave