Cecilia deheart is a smexy, hot and funny businesswomen from Mottingham. Her life is going nowhere until she meets jack drew, an attractive, smoking man with a passion for reading.However, when a thug tries to beat up ceclina, jack springs to the rescue. ceclina begins to notices that jack is actually rather funky at heart.
But, the pressures of jack's job as a waitress leave him blind to ceclina's affections and ceclina takes up listening to someone speak to try an distract himself.
Finally, when dumb unemployeed, lucas mayhem, threatens to come between them, jack has to act fast. But will they ever find the sizzling love that they deserve?
Well its been a rough week i guess lots have happened and lots have been great but first i think i've change because Jack has changed me from being judgemental to accepting people for who they are like jack he was so annoying at first and now he is well so cool and funny and my boyfriend.
" cece" "yeah Jack" " look at this house" " why" " do you wanna move in with me"