Too Old For Love

All of a sudden, no one wanted Daisy anymore, she was a 'useless mutt' according to dad, a 'pathetic waste of space' to mom, and Jason thought she was a 'disaster waiting to happen' when she gave birth to puppies.
When her puppies were born, they were drowned immediately. As for Daisy, she died giving birth, why you might ask? Well, it was because no one had taken her to the vet, and no one was there when she was having the puppies.
Daisy was buried along with her puppies, in the back garden, her grave unmarked."
You'll be glad to know that this story isn't based on any actual events, but similar happenings occur. The title says it all, according to dog owners like Daisy's, dogs that aren't little puppies anymore, are too old for some love.
It breaks my heart as much as it breaks your's. You may not know this, but this is abuse. Not mental abuse, and definitely not physical abuse, but psychological abuse. This means that the dog is being ignored, neglected, and you may not think so, but this can hurt a dog deeply.
Say that a careless dog owner hit their dog, they wouldn't care how the dog felt, because according to them, dogs don't have feeling. This isn't true. Dogs have human feelings as well as the touch of our pain.
If you have witnessed any of this abuse towards dogs, please copy and paste this link =
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:((:((:((:(( !!!!
i love daisy dog
and i wish that we dont have to write these sort of things has a story
we should request a poster feauture!