Chapter 4: Departure

“It’s all my fault.” He said. “I distracted him and I got him killed.” He screamed violently in frustration, and pounded his fist in the ground. Leo shook his head and approached Martin, he put his hand on Martin’s shoulder.
“Martin, it’s not your fault.” He assured him
“There was nothing we could do.” Lin added on.
“Well why couldn’t you heal him?!” He shouted angrily. He clenched his teeth as he sunk lower to the ground.
“The cut was too deep.” She replied, her eyes tearing up further. “It’s the same reason I couldn’t save my family. It’s because I’m weak.” She started crying.
“Calm down, it’s nobody’s fault.” Garret spoke up. His voice was shallow and shaking.
“Martin, there is something you should know about that kind of magic” Garret referred to Linda.
“Magic cannot heal mortal wounds.” Garret walked over to help the boy up. “but right now the best thing to do is give him a proper burial.” Martin nodded, and tried to pull himself up with garret’s arm. He clenched his side, and looked at the blood running through his fingers. He collapsed and blacked out
Martin looked around, as he was in a deep, dark space. He stretched his arm out, unable to reach anything. He saw nothing but the ever expanding black on the horizon of a darkened floor.
“Where am I?” He asked. He walked forward cautiously, and paused when he got a reply.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Spoke the voice of what seemed to be a little girl.
“Who are you?” Martin shouted. He took a breath. “You’re the one that was in my head earlier, Aren’t you?” He exclaimed.
“You’re funny.” The voice replied. It seemed to be coming from every direction, then it shifted to a single spot. A little girl steeped from the shadows, with just enough light to make out her face.
“I am Kendrah, the Goddess the Kendred are named for.”
Martin woke up some time later. He looked to see his surroundings had shifted drastically. He now lies in a bed in a well-lit room within a home style he had not seen before. A girl with the ears and tail of a black wolf walked into the room. She had long black hair and blue eyes, and was holding a roll of gauze. She turned and shouted.
“Hey! He’s Awake!” She walked up to Martin.
“Okay, I need you to sit up for a second, I need to wrap up that cut in your-” Her eyes widened as she pulled back the sheets.
“How is it you’ve healed already?” She exclaimed. Garret and Linda rushed into the room.
“Martin, you’re okay!” Lin said excitedly. Darren walked in around the corner.
“You gave us a scare there, kid.” He said. “Fox girl here says you were cut too deep, that you’d have to be healed through conventional means.”
“Yes, but it is apparent now that this is not the case.” Garret spoke up.
“It would appear the tide of war is changing. And it is not for the better.” He turned to Martin.
“What’s wrong, my boy?” He asked
“Where are we?” Martin asked him
“After the incident in Briarwood, you passed out. Miss Baroo here brought us back to her village, Kenen East.”
“So we’re in a Shedan Village?” He asked.
“Yep.” Linda smiled. She looked at the ground.
“I’m sorry… about what happened in the village.” She said. Martin remember the events as they happened before him. But he did not feel grief, he felt as if he had been past it for a while now.
“It’s alright, it’ nobody’s fault.” He said.
“You aren’t even shaken by it?” Darren said. He had a bit of shock in his tone.
Martin shrugged. He looked around, realizing someone was missing.
“Hey, where’s Leo?” He asked. The others looked around, then looked at the wolf girl, whom was still standing by his bed side.
“Do you know where he is, Cona?” Garret asked her. She looked back at him.
“The fox boy? I sent him out to grab a couple sticks for his leg, it was broken so he needed support-”
“But his leg isn’t broken anymore…. That’s peculiar.” Garret interrupted.
Martin sat up on his side, realizing he had been stripped of his clothing.
“Where are my clothes?” He asked
Cona looked over
“We needed to get to your wounds.” She replied. "And the guard attire is kind of restrictive."
Martin nodded and lied back down.
“What do we do now?” he asked.
“I suppose the best thing to do would be alert the king.” Garret answered. Linda perked her ears up.
“Isn’t that a bit of a leap?” She asked.
“Well, this isn’t the only matter at hand,” Garret continued. "Somebody wants this war to continue, and seeing that they targeted Connor, they planned this out. They knew who the chief was, and they knew when we'd be out." Garret stated.
“How would we alert a king?” Leo walked into the room, dropping a pile of sticks on the ground.
“I got those sticks you asked for.” He said to Cona.
“We don’t need those anymore.” She replied. Leo looked to the ground in defeat.
“There isn’t just one king,” Darren shook his head. “If that were the case there wouldn’t be a war. The Shedan Have their own leader.” Garret nodded.
“Indeed” Garret said. Darren looked at him
“The kendred king is Rila, who lives in the capital. Fox, do you know who leads the Shedan?"
“I've only heard rumors of a man name Yehston.” Linda spoke up. “He’s the closest to a Shedan king.” The others looked at her, then at Garret.
“Do you happen to know his whereabouts?” Garret asked
“I've only heard whispers, sir.” She replied.
“Ah, then this will be a problem.” Garret stated. “I guess Rila is going to take priority, then.” He finished. Martin looked at him
“Where do we even start?” He asked.
“Oh dont worry, I' not sending you out, not in your condition, and we need the leaders to keep order. I'll be sending a team out at dawn.” He now looked directly at Linda, Leo, and Martin.
"I want you three to practice your new abilities. Learn to use them well. This isn't over yet." He preached. "You three will travel to a town north of here tomorrow for supplies." He stated, and took his leave of the room, soon followed by Leo and Linda.
"Alone again." Martin said to himself, waiting out the eventful night.
Martin woke to Garret looking out his window.
“Well, I guess you should start getting ready.” He said. Martin started to stand up.
“wait a second Martin, first I need to talk with you.” Garret said. The door shut behind the group as they left the room.
“What do you need to talk to me about?” Martin asked.
“Well, first of all, how you made a full recovery after a single night… though I suppose that’s a side effect of the form you took on last night.” Garret said.
“another point would be how you summoned, let alone controlled, unholy fire.” He said.
“Sir, last night was a blur to me.” He said. “All I remember is hearing a girl’s voice, and everything went white. Then when I came back my dad was lying in my arms.” He stated.
“It's understandable. I know you're going through a hard-” Garret was interupted.
"But sir, that's the thing. I have no emotion over what happened last night." Martin stated, down on himself. Garret sspoke up.
"Last night wasn't normal, and you're having a difficult time understanding-"
"Then send me out! Let me help! I need to know I'm doing something!" Martin began to rant. "By some miracle, I survived last night, and I need to know why. I need to know my father's sacrifice wasn't a waste. No nobdoy knows what happened last night. And I'm sure that half of the people in this town are as afraid as I am. But I-"
Garret stopped him.
"Listen Martin. I didn't get the chance to tell the other two this quite yet, but I'm sending you three to locate Yehston." He said.
"Are you serious?" Martin asked. "I thought you were sending us to get supplies."
"I was, but I talked it over with Darren. And i want you three to get supplies for your journey." He stated. Martin nodded. Garret looked at the amulet that Martin was wearing.
“Is that the pendant your father gave you?” He asked.
“Yes sir. It was the last thing he gave me, it’s what led me to hearing that girl’s voice.” Martin answered.
"Then i want you to keep it close to yourself." He stated "Do not lose it."
“Yes sir.” Martin replied. “But may I ask. What is the symbol, exactly?” Martin asked
“That… Is the Morphis symbol, “Wilver”.” Garret replied with a shallow tone.
“Wilver?” Martin pondered.
“It means “Wolf”.” Garret replied. “just as “Kenen” means “Fox”.” Martin looked at Garret with a blank stare. Garret quickly changed his tone. He looked Martin dead in the eye and spoke.
“Marint, last night you demonstrated you have a very powerful force within you." Garet sstated. "Do not take that lightly, as true power corrupts. Use it only if your very life depends on it. Do you understand?” Garret asked him. Martin nodded.
“But sir. I don’t even know how I used it in the first place.” Martin looked up at Garret.
“In time, you will learn. You have a new outfit downstairs for your journey. Your old one is soild with burns, cuts, and blood stains." Garret said. Martin stood up. And walked with Garret to the door.
“May I ask where we’re going, exactly?” Martin asked. The door shut behind the two as they left the room. Garret looked at him.
“It is a Shedan village about four or five miles from here.” Martin shuddered.
“Shedan? But sir, how will they know we aren’t the enemy?” Martin asked.
“You must trust that they will understand. For now, I suggest you and Leo put your hoods up and let Miss Baroo talk to them.”
“Yes sir.” Martin replied. Garret showed him to another room, and left him to claim the stack of clothes lying on a table. He walked up and picked up the upper half of the outfit.
“Black?” He asked, with a puzzled look. Cona walked up behind him.
“Hey, it suits you.” She said. Martin turned around to see she was holding a straw broom, starting to sweep the floor.
“Cona, is it?” Martin asked as he pulled the pants up over his shorts.
“Yes, sir.” She said as she swept. "Is there something wrong with their color?"
“Oh, no. It's just not what i was expecting." Martin explained. "Most of the uniforms are green to blend in with the surrounding area.” He lughed a little. He pulled down his shirt and adjusted the doubled-sleeves.
“May I ask you what you do here?” He said.
“Oh, I’m just a housekeeper. I maintain the order around here.”
“Aren’t you a bit young for that?” He asked.
“I’m seventeen, plenty old enough to clean up a couple spills. But couldn’t I ask you the same question… Captain?” She smiled.
“Heh, I guess you got me there.” Martin scratched the back of his head. He looked her and held his arms out to his sidess.
"How do i look?" He asked.
"It looks nice." She said.
Leo burst into the room.
“Martin!” He shouted, one hand over his eyes.
“When you’re dressed meet us outside.” He shouted. Cona laughed a bit. Leo forged a sly grin.
“A girl, huh? Martin, you sly dog.” Leo said.
“Leo…” Martin sighed. “put your hand down.” He said. Leo Chuckled.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to declinebuddy, it’s against my morals.”
“Damn it Leo.” Martin said, Leo started laughing and put his hand down. Martin started walking toward him.
"Sorry bud, didn't mean to embarrass you.
Martin’s face turned red as he tripped and fell forward to the floor.
“Is this what life is usually like for you?” Cona asked.
“Every damn day.” Martin said, reluctant to stand back up. He looked at Leo, who had re-established self-control.
“So we’re meeting outside?” Martin asked, grabbing Leo’s arm to help him up.
“Yeah, we have the supplies packed and everything.” Leo said. "Garret filled us in on everything."
“I’ll just head out with you, then.” Martin said. Leo helped him up, and he turned to face Cona.
“Well, it was nice meeting you.” He said.
“The same to you.” She replied. She went back to sweeping as Leo and Martin walked out the door.
Linda was talking with Darren when they went outside.
“It’s nice to see he’s had a change of heart.” Leo said, gesturing to Darren.
“No, he's just hungry. He’ll be nice to anyone who he thinks will cook for him.” Martin replied. Linda looked over at the two and waved.
“Hey!” She shouted. She smiled at the two.
Garret walked out behind them. He held a slip of parchment, and pulled the three into a small group to the side. He looked at them, and spoke.
“I am drastically sorry for what I am to about to ask you, but this village needs somebody to keep order, so until we can clear things up, I must remain here.” Garret looked a bit disappointed toward himself.
“It’s alright, Mr. Wallace.” Martin said. “I think we can manage.”
“I’m sure you can.” Garret said. “You three are very talented, and I have faith in all of you.” He handed a piece of parchment to Martin.
“Take this message to Yehston if you should find him, let him know that the nation is on the verge of another war, and convince him to aid us.” The three nodded. Darren walked up and joined in the discussion to the group.
“You three best be prepared for a long journey ahead. Let any guard who questions you see that letter to clear things up, but do not let commoners read it. We do not need to start to make people panic.” Garret ended. The three nodded.
“Make sure you locate Yehston. He needs to be alerted.”
The three set off on their journey, only packing essentials for the trip.
The three wandered through the winding path of the southern forests, following the ancient road signs in advancing stages of decay, the words just barely enough to make out: “NorthStone”. Martin held the map high, pointing the way as they went along.
“Hey, how much further is this place?” Leo asked
“Far enough. If it comes to it, we may have to camp out for tonight.” Martin replied. “You have to remember that there’s a reason the Briarwood had limited trade.” Leo nodded. The three continued trekking on when Lin spoke up.
“Hey, look at that!” She pointed to a small charm in a nearby tree, which gleamed with a metallic hue.
“Those are Guardian charms.” Leo said. “My grandfather told me about them. They’re supposed to repel witches.” They looked through the trees to see several more.
“Why are there so many?” Linda asked.
“I’m not sure.” Leo said.
“Do they inhibit magic?” Martin asked. He looked at Leo curiously.
“Hey, I only know what they’re called, I’m no expert.” He replied. “But why don’t you try it out.” He added on jokingly. Martin shook his head.
“Not gonna risk it.” He said. Linda and Leo let out small laughs. The three continued to walk.
It was almost sunset as the three approached the village.
“Well, at least we made it before sundown.” Linda said.
“So now what?” Leo asked.
“Garret said to get supplies. Then head to the next town.” Martin said. “But for tonight, I suggest we find a tavern or somewhere to sleep.”
“Do we even have any money?” Leo asked. Martin pulled some gold coins out of his pocket.
“Fourteen Gold, twelve Silver.” He said. He put the coins back in his pocket.
“That’s not very much.” Leo stated.
The conversation was dropped as loud noise crept up on the three. S it got louder, Martin began to mutter.
“What in the world is that noise?” Martin asked. He was suddenly met with a force enough to knock him onto his back.
Martin groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. He looked down to see a small child frantically gathering some items that had been strewn about.
“What the-.” Martin said, making eye contact with the kid. He quickly finished gathering the items he had dropped.
“Gotta go.” The kid said. He scrambled to his feet and took off, shoving Martin back once more in the process. Martin stood up and shook off the shook off the second assault. He rubbed the back of his neck.
“What was that all about?” He asked. His eyes widened.
“Wait, what the hell-” He started shouting at the kid running off.
“Hey!” He shouted, beginning to give chase. Leo and Lin stood in place as Martin was halted by a guard.
“Stop!” He yelled. Two more guards came to his aid as Martin rejoined with his group.
“What are you doing here?” He asked firmly. Leo and Linda looked at Martin, who began to speak frantically.
“That kid just robbed me!” He stated. Leo and Linda took notice to the missing pendant on Martin’s neck. A couple of the guards took off in the direction the boy ran, while one stayed behind to take the three in.
The group was placed before a large man in steel plated armor, He gazed at them with a cold stare, making them uncomfortable.
“What business do you have in our town?” The man spoke. Martin took a deep breath.
“We have urgent information for the two kings.” He said, “We were sent here after our village was destroyed.” Martin finished. The man began to stroke his chin.
“Your village was destroyed, you say? What business does that bring here.” The man asked. Leo spoke up.
“Because our village was one under treaty, we have an obligation to warn both sides of the conflict of an incoming threat.” Leo stated firmly. The man nodded. Martin handed him the small parchment Garret had provided him earlier. The man began to read through it thoroughly.
“The so the elder of Briarwood sent you? What of the chief?”
“Deceased.” Leo spoke for Martin. The man now turned his attention toward Linda, who responded with a nervous glance.
“And what of you? Why do you travel with these two?” He asked. Linda sighed.
“I met them during a conflict with another Shedan force. Since then I’ve been told to stay with them.” He said.
“And what of your parents? Are they alright with this?”
“Also deceased." She stated. The man in armor gave her a look of grief. He continued to question the three about who they were and their origins.
“From the sound of it you all were meant to meet.” He said. “Alright, I’ll allow you to stay here, and we’ll lend you some supplies for your departure.” He looked at Martin
“We’ll also let you know if we find your pendant.”
“Thank you.” Martin said.
The three exited the building, and made their way through the center of town.
They each took in the sites, Martin keeping an eye out for the child that had robbed him. Not a sign to be seen of the boy; there were few people on the streets at this hour.
“We'll have to look for him in the morning." Martin stated
“I know. The captain here said they’d help us out with supplies, right? We could head over to the market place then too.” Leo stated. He looked up at the night sky. “But for tonight, we best find a place to sleep. There’s usually a tavern near the center of town.” They walked down the moonlit streets, few people were out at this hour. Those who were out did not pay attention to the three, turning their nose up as they would pass.
“What’s with these people?” Leo asked as another Shedan passed, giving him a sour look. He looked back at the Shedan.
“Hey lady!” Leo shouted. She ignored him and continued on her way. Lin tugged his shoulder.
“These people aren’t used to Kendred, it’s like when I first came to your town.” She said. “They just don’t understand. Give them time to see that you mean well.”
The tavern was dim, a lone host tended the bar. A man in a hood was conversing at a table with another, flashing the group dirty looks. Another throwing knives at a wooden bust.
“These seem like lively people.” Martin said sarcastically. They approached the counter. A man with patches of grey hair on his neck and forearms aproached the counter.
“May I help you?” He asked harshly.
"Yes please." Martin said. "We just need a place to stay for the night."
"No vacancy." He replied.
The knife-thrower grinned.
"One night's all it takes, huh?" He chuckled. The host smiling at the inuendo.
"Listen," Martin said, "We just need a place to stay, is there anywhere else ne-"
"No, none nearby." The host said. His tone becoming even more impatient. "I suggest you take your business eslwhere, Kendred." He finished. The Shedan in back went to retrieve his blades.
"Hey, Smokey. Why don't you let them use my room?" He asked.
"Are you sure No-"
"Yes I'm sure." He replied.
“As you wish.” The host reluctantly agreed. He handed Martin a set of keys and pointed him upstairs. They walked quickly to the room number that was engraved on the wooden tag on the key. Each thankful for the night's break.
“Any idea who that guy could be?” Leo asked.
“Not a clue." Linda replied. Candles gave the room a warm, orange glow. Two beds lie on the far end. Leo leaped out of his uniform and embraced the mattress wholly.
“Never again will I neglect my responsibility to be lazy and sleep.” He said.
“Maybe until tomorrow.” Martin said. “We have a lot to do.”
“Why do you hate me so?" Leo asked. Martin sat on the edge of the other bed, and took a small piece of parchment from his pocket.
“So tomorrow we need to get supplies, but the guard said he’d help cover us, even if it is just to get us out of here. That means we have a little bit of extra money.” Martin said. He looked at Lin, who sat next to Leo, who was now snoring loudly.
“That sounds alright. But what about your pendant?” She asked “Don’t you want that back?”
“If it comes to it, I’ll have to forget about it.” Martin replied. “We have more important things to tend to than a pendant.” He lied down on the bed, and rolled over on his side.
“Though I suggest we get some sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow.” He said. Lin pushed Leo to the side and Laid down.
"These covers smell funky." Linda stated.
"That's not the onlything odd about this place." Martin stated. "Don't you two find it odd that instead of Lumos crystals or lanterns they decided to light the rooms with candles?"
"Oh boy" Leo said sighed in a muffled tone. "Guys," He pulled his face out of the covers. "I think this is a cathouse." The other two shuddered, and rolled over for a restless sleep.
The next morning rolled in as the three were awoken by a large pounding at the door.
"Are you decent?" a voice bellowe from the other side of the door.
"Oh crap what time is it?" Martin rose up. "Just a minute!" He yelled. He looked over at Lin, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Leo get dressed." Martin said, beaning him in the head with his shoe. Martin opened the door, the Shedan from the night before stood on the other side. He was a young boy, appearing to be about Leo's age. he had thin dark hairs scattered across his face, and black ears, not unlike Linda's.
"Good Morning." He said.
"MMMHMMMNGPH" Leo grunted, hunching over with his shirt caught across his face. Martin and Linda sighed.
"What my friend means to say," Martin said, "Is good Morning, and thank you for letting us use your room." He finished.
"No problem. You people looked like you were having a bad day."
"You have no idea." Martin agreed. The boy began collecting the candles srewn about the room.
"You know, Smokey gets onto me about using these to light this room, but it gets a stir out of people." Linda sighed in relief.
"Smokey? Is that the guy downstairs?" Martin asked.
"Yeah, sorry about last night. There are other rooms, but he doesn't really like the Kendred." The kid said. "He says you guys started the war and whatnot." He looked at Linda.
"Leo, hold still." She said, pulling his shirt the rest of the way down.
"Is he drunk?"
"No, He's just Leo.” Linda sighed. The boy nodded.
"My name is Martin." Martin stated.
“And mine is Noah, nice to meet you.” He said. He and Martin shook hands. Leo sat up in a daze. Lin hopped off of the bed beside him.
“Are you finally awake?” Linda asked. Leo stretched and grunted.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Leo replied. Noah watched as Leo's sleeve rolled down, and spotted his mark.
“That's an interesting tattoo." he stated. Leo looked at his wrist.
“Birthmark.” He replied. Noah nodded. “Well I best be going. I will see you three around. You guys can use this room again tonight if you need to.” He said, shutting the door behind him. The three began to prepare for the day.
Beyond the door, Noah spoke to a courier, waiting patiently. He spoke quietly
“Send word, they have a mark.” He said. The courier nodded and left in haste.
“These three have no idea what they’re getting involved in,” He spoke to himself. Rolling up his sleeve, he looked upon the mark he bore on his wrist.
“But neither do I, I suppose.” He walked quietly down the corridor, silence falling through the hall as he left.
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or something
I await for a new chapter of Impure to be uploaded, as many others do. I may need to re-read the story again in order to be able to fluently traverse to the next chapter, like a person traveling from one town to the next...the same but different at the same time, and must be re-read See More in order to be able to transfer from one place to the next...I suppose maybe more like following what we Americans call the Louis and Clarke trail if you were to traverse that same trail first made by them...I may have gotten a tad bit off topic....and rambled...though I cannot wait until the next chapter arrives....speaking of chapters...I should continue my story as well some time...
I may have just shut my door to my room due to my parents....watching youtube videos with more than the usual amount of swearing in them....and now I worry whether that may have been rude or that door separates the two bedrooms...
That may also be the only one of its Tyler's hands...
I'll probably redraw Linda
Is there a reference picture?
I originally meant to do it digitally, but due to an incident I have to do it on paper
Where do I upload the picture?
There are grammatical errors that are bothering me, and it's a little difficult to see who's talking but the plot is great so far! Keep writing ^_^
I guess I know what I'll be reading for the rest of this day! Well done, hope to see more later!
Chapter One = Kind of confusing, and has some grammar errors that are kind of bothering me, but overall really good!
2. It will be easier to understand AND look smoother (and be grammatically correct) if you start a new line/paragraph every time someone speaks.
Mostly just those two things.