Mike Zacharius (Attack On Titan)

You jumped and turned around quickly. "Did you just sniff me?" You asked as your face turned slightly pink, Mike looked at you. "No...yes." He said, you raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Damn it Mike, I agreed to be your room mate to help you with the bills! Not to be your god damn smelly marker!" You shouted, he shrugged. "You never said you couldn't be a smelly marker, and to honest...you smell like one." He said, and widened his eyes. Wrong thing to say. You narrowed you eyes and pointed a spatula at him. "Say that again buster." You growled, he backed away. "Damn, I meant it in a good way." He said, you lowered the spatula and turned around. You smiled. You can't stay THAT mad at him.
Mike P.O.V
I walked out of the apartment and started walking to the store. It'll be Y/N's birthday soon. I need to get her something special. Not like last year. I shivered at the memory.
"My birthday....? Oh, I forgot." Y/N said, I smiled. "Don't you always?" I said and handed her a box. She looked at me with piercing E/C eyes and opened the box. "...You forgot to didn't you?" She asked as she took out a pan. "Um..yeah." I said, she looked at me and stood up. "Ya know, ya really need to work on giving people gifts." She said. "Why?" I asked, she lifted the pan and smacked me in the face. "DAMN IT MIKE! A pan! You stereotyping jerk!"
(regular time)
I learned never to get her kitchen things. I went inside the store and took a deep breath. Stores always smell weird. OK, what does she like? I frowned and started walking around. This might take a while.
Your P.O.V
You sighed. "I hope he's not going to be a jerk this year." You said to yourself. You turned on some music and started cleaning. You started humming to your F/S and it slowly turned into singing. You kept it up for a few hours and slowly grew tired. You sat on the couch and laid down. You stared at the ceiling for a while, just thinking of Mike. You smiled at him smelling you earlier. You never minded him randomly smelling you, but if you didn't freak out, it would look creepy. You wrapped a blanket around you and fell asleep.
Mike P.O.V
Finally! I opened the door and immediately knew she was cleaning. I walked inside and closed the door. I went into the living room and almost said something, but stopped myself. She was asleep. I carefully walked over to her and set the bad down. I grabbed the blanket that she kicked off the couch and wrapped her up. I smiled as I picked her up and carried her into her room, I set her on her bed and smiled. Shes asleep right? I lightly kisses her forehead and left the room.
Your P.O.V
You woke up to the smell of something cooking, well it smells like it's burning. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You looked around. "Ah, he must have carried me in here...riiight." You said to yourself and went into the kitchen. "Mike...are you killing the stove again?" You asked, last time he tried to cook, he nearly burned to death. He looked at you with his honey colored eyes. "No, I made you breakfast." He said handing you a plate, you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "OK, did I finally annoy you so much, your gonna poison me?" You asked in disbelieve. He never cooks for you. "Never, I just decided I should do something nice for your birthday." He said, you narrowed your eyes. "I sware, if you got me another pan I'm gonna cook YOU!" You shouted, he patted your head. "No, no I made sure that you would like this gift." You blushed and sighed. You didn't care what he got you, you just wanted him to sit next to you on the couch, with a movie on, his arm around your neck. But nope! He most likely got you something awful. You sat on the couch and started eating. "Not bad." You said, and looked at him as he sat next to you.
You freaked out on the inside. "Thanks, I really tried this time." He said, you smiled. After a few silent moments he pulled out a little bag and handed it to you. You looked at the bag and set your plate on the coffee table. You slowly grabbed the bag and opened it. "Really?" You asked as you pulled out a smelly marker. "Really?" You asked again. "No, that was a distraction." He said, you looked at him with shock, he looked up. You looked above your head to see a mistletoe. "Mi-" Before you could finish he placed his lips on yours. His stubble and mustasch tickled. He pulled away and smiled. "You have to kiss under a mistletoe right?" He asked, you nodded and kissed him back, a few moments later you pulled away and snuggled close to him. He wrapped his arm around your neck."Movie?" You asked, he nodded. Soon, your birthday wish came true. "Mike?" You said, he looked at you. "Do you really love me?" You asked, he brought you closer and lightly kissed you again. "Of course I do." He said, you smiled and placed your head on his chest. "Happy birthday, I love you." He said, you giggled.
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N (Pokemon)
Rin Matsuoka
L See More
Humanoid!Bill Cipher
Metttaon EX (but not a romantic thing more just like friends hanging out n stuff)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Gray Fullbuster
Jellal Fernandes
not as much as people who have actually played Final Fantasy VII
But some stuff
Those are in no particular order by the way so yeah...
Can you tell me what anime Kiba from?
Depressed! L x reader
Chubby! Jeff x reader
the ! means that that is the reader :3
totally :3
Now, ya wanna Lime, Lemon, or just a one shot?
I haven't been typing these as much as i should,
so this post was awesome :3
and Finny is coming up after Ciel's Lemon ;)
If ya want another one just ask, I'll be glad to make one :3
*clears throat* um sorry, fangirl moment...yes :3
I need.
17 DAYS!!!!! :((
I'm sorry.
I have an unhealthy obsession with him.
If so I would like to ask for another character
cooulld you mayayybbeee
make mine one? X3
Could you do James from Team Rocket for me?
(sorry just saw this and yeah)
And if you do Asura, could you try to make it more Yandere than the others? It would fit him better.
Maybe Asura from SE?