
Finally, The Hunger Games are over!
Relief flooded over me as the last canon went off,
announcing our victory.
"We did it." Tristan said with a wry smile.
I nodded, shock barely registered.
I was the first female Capitol Games victor.
It felt unreal, like I didn't deserve the victory.
Before we knew it, we were out of the arena.
I leaned over to kiss Tristan.
"We're victors." I whispered making him smile.
Looking at him, I realized something I hadn't allowed myself to admit before.
I loved Tristan.
No, not artificial love I'd been using for the cameras.
This was genuine, and I hoped he felt the same way.
How could I tell him? How would he respond?
I dismissed those thoughts from my head and focused on what was in front of me.
Of course, what was in front of me was Tristan.
I looked up and saw a hovercraft coming.
We were swooped up and taken out of that horrid arena.
That place was etched into my memory,
forever in my worst nightmares.
Tristan was the only one who I could really relate to like that.
I was greeted by my prep team and mentor, Gemma Redricks.
"You did it! You really survived!" Gemma squealed and hugged us.
"Come now, we must prepare for the victory interview." a prep team member stated and ushered us away.
I was excited, my prep team could work MIRACLES.
They made me look beautiful the last time they did their work.
Despite the recent horrors of the arena, I was excited.
Tristan and I glanced at each other as we headed in opposite directions.
Would Tristan like the way my prep team made me look?
GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to stop thinking about Tristan...
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