Dog sitter

They usually left me with a relative or friend but they called Mary Anne instead.
Mary Anne had looked after Rusty the Collie down the road before and he was sent to bed at eight O clock.
Imagine! Eight o clock!
Well she turned up 2 hours early and was even more uglier than i expected.
Rusty said she had braces but these were huge big black things!
Rusty said he had scraggly hair and monstrous eyebrows and she did.
Rusty said she was awfully plumy and she was.
I thought Rusty was speaking rubbish again but he was not.
Well when my masters left she went out to her car and came back with a trunk.
She started lifting out little outfits and hats but the worst one was the one she picked.
It was PINK!
She put me in the horrid suede jacket and said "Oh I love little girlies!"
This was too far so i bit her.
It was not a big chomp just a nip but if you see a little poodle with a muzzle and thick lead ,you will know the story.
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