birth and early life

I searched for days. I was living in a studio apartment and my best friend, Izzy, was paying my rent. Then I finally came out as a transsexual demi-queer. That means I started working at a lesbian bar called "Booby Town 2" when I was 10. I flirted with the over-age girls and I gave them free drinks. That's how I found my love for vodka. I became addicted to pornography and alcohol. I also started vaping and gambling when I was 11 and got an addiction to that too.
I tried to commit suicide 666 times to completely allow myself to be exposed to Satan. He never came. I cried after my 667th attempt because I knew I would never meet him. Then he came out of the ground and professed his love for me. We started dating. Right before I turned 12, we got married. I now work as a co-president of hell. I work alongside Satan and that guy from that show about a hotel I can never remember. Also, Barney is the manager of hell headquarters. Then when I turned 12, I also came out as poly. I also got married to Barney. I'm still a virgin but that's okay. I heard Satan's penis is spiked so I don't want to experience that quite yet.
So anyways guys, that's my life so far! Rn, Barney and I are smoking and playing Roblox. Also, Izzy passed away so we chilling in hell together. I hope y'all enjoyed!
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Just saying I find it offensive and I'm sure I don't just speak on my behalf alone