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How Well Do You Know Batman?
on August 14, 2019

on August 14, 2019

added a
quiz to the
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Which element are you? (10)
on August 14, 2019

on August 14, 2019

Oh no
It's first day of school for me TMR
Which means I won't be able...NVM actually
It's first day of school for me TMR
Which means I won't be able...NVM actually
on August 14, 2019

FuckYou asked a question

What would you name me? What kind of name suits me to you? What do I look like to you?
on August 14, 2019

1 like secret :
I sleep with all my teddy bears and treat them with care
I treat them equally for fear of them getting jealous and killing me @Aureospace
I sleep with all my teddy bears and treat them with care
I treat them equally for fear of them getting jealous and killing me @Aureospace
on August 14, 2019

not every depressed suicidal or somoeone that has disorder is edgy and emo if they seem edgy it's because they're on the edge and Bridge oh of losing all sanity and Trust we should help them not make fun of them it's really sad how some of you can't recognize the call for help in disguise
on August 14, 2019

They call me coffee cus I come hot and ready
on August 14, 2019
Bonjour madame mazelle @DarkSpite_Spark56