Bouncing's Redemption

"Good catch Bouncing. You're definitely improving," said Sunclaw.
"Thanks," Bouncing mumbled.
Later Bouncing and Sprinting paw were sharing fresh-kill.
"So Bouncing Forestwalker will add another word to your name soon," said Sprinting paw.
"Any idea what they're going to add, Paw?" asked Bouncing.
"Not sure, probably nothing referring to your good qualities," replied Sprinting paw.
"That would be the way of them, wouldn't it?" replied Bouncing.
With that Bouncing went to sit outside the camp. Suddenly she smelled a strange scent. A huge black and white creature lumbered toward her.
Not thinking Bouncing leaped at it and slashed it's eyes. Before it could retaliate she bit deep into it's throat. Then while it tried to throw her off, Bouncing managed to get to it's back. She clung on and dug her claws deep in it's back.
Then warriors burst from the camp entrance. Seeing more enemies the black and white creature fled.
Bouncing stood stunned that she had held it off so long.
"Bouncing go see Spiritguider," Sunclaw told his apprentice. "I want to make sure you aren't injured or anything."
Bouncing only nodded and did as she was told. Bouncing smelled the strong scent of herbs as she entered the medicine cat's den. This was one place she had always felt safe.
Then Spiritguider poked his head out of the inner-den.
"Sunclaw sent you again. What for this time?" asked Spiritguider.
"Well I was outside camp and I fought a black and white creature," replied Bouncing.
"Badger I'd say, from the scent clinging to your fur," responded Spiritguider. "Some rest and a wash in the river is all you need."
"Thanks Spiritguider," Bouncing said.
Then Bouncing did as she was told again. Bouncing had a good wash then a long nap.
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