Shadow skidded to a stop beside me after Rouge left and frowned at her back. "What was that about?" He asked me, confused. I sat on the stairs leading to the entrance of the school. "Uh... Knuckles wants me to go to a party." Shadow scowled at the mention of Knuckles, like he had been doing ever since a few weeks ago, when, after showing Knuckles around the school, we had run into Sonic and his crew, who had happily accepted Knuckles into their circle of stupidity. "So? Why did Rouge talk to you?" I looked up at him, feeling my throat get an unfamiliar bump and tears start to fill my eyes. "He's dating her." Shadow's eyes widened and he sat next to me, letting me put my face in his fur.
"It's okay, Angel. Just don't go. You don't have to go if you don't want to." I looked up at him and said, "Really? Cuz Rouge said that if I don't go, she'll make my life a living hell. Well, not in those words, but she said that she would make me wish I was never born! What am I gonna do, Shadow?" I buried my face in his chest fur and cried. He patted my back and looked over at the group of people talking and laughing.
Shadow's eyes met Knuckles'. In the middle of what appeared to be a miniature party in the parking lot of the school, Knuckles was looking over at Angel and Shadow, who were sitting alone on the steps. Shadow motioned his head towards the back of the school, and Knuckles nodded once, seeming to understand. Shadow looked down at Angel, the only girl he cared about, and thought about how he could make her not have feelings for this asshole Knuckles. He frowned, told her that he had to go take a piss, and walked to the other side of the school, where Knuckles was waiting, leaning against the wall like he was waiting for the rest of his gang to arrive.
"You know, you look like a douche." I said, scowling at him. He looked over at me with his "And who the fuck are you?" face, then looked around, making sure that no one else was nearby, then looked at me worriedly. "What's wrong with her?" I glared at him, hate clear in my eyes. "Well, asshole, why don't you go and ask her yourself?" Knuckles paused and shook his head no. "I- I can't- I-" I punched him, making him fall down. "WHAT? You don't wanna ruin your popularity?!" I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. "You should be ashamed. I mean, come on, man, I might not be the smoothest of guys, especially around her, but even I wouldn't do THAT!!"
He picked himself up, grabbed my collar, and slammed me against the school. "What the fuck is it that I did?" He screamed into my face. I snarled and pushed him away from me. "You did too fucking much, man. You really wanna know why Angel's crying?" Knuckles nodded, so I continued. "Because you fucking lead her on. You acted like you gave a shit about her, then you fucking ignored her and started hanging out with the popular kids, and going out with ROUGE!!! God, of all the girls you could've chosen to fuck, ROUGE?!?! You must be fucking retarted!! And, to top it all off, you made Rouge invite Angel to a fucking party!!"
Knuckles frowned at me. "So? What's so terrible about inviting her to a party, Shadow?" I paused. "Ya know, that's the first time, you have ever called me by my name." Knuckles snorted. "Yeah... I guess it is." I shook my head and continued. "Anyway do you have your head up your ass? She's one of the least popular chicks in the school. You wanna know why? SHE HATES PARTIES. They make her feel even more insignificant, to see all those motherfuckers out there, having fun, while she has no fucking clue what to do with herself. Not only that, but ROUGE invited her. You wanna know what Rouge said? She said that if Angel didn't come, she was gonna make Angel wish she had never been born. And that is why she's crying, you motherfucking asshole." Then I turned and walked away, leaving Knuckles there to think about everything I had just told him.
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lokk at my story im done with it thouh *saimes*