The beginning of it all

Shadow sighed. "Please? You know I've been waiting all year to shove this awesome bike in those preppy faces at school." I smiled at the thought. That was all he had talked about ever since he had first seen the bike outside of the dealership. He had actually considered stealing it because it was so expensive, but I had managed to talk him out of it. I sighed in defeat. "Fine. Let's go." Shadow smirked, the familiar light crossing his eyes. I put on the helmet and threw one leg over the motorcycle. Wrapping my arms around his toned chest, I sighed again, then steeled myself against my feelings for him again.
He started it, and drove off, obviously happy. When we reached the school, there was a crowd around what appeared to be a fight. Shadow stopped the motorcycle and let me off just as the fight broke up and the crowd parted to let the winner through. I took off my helmet and shook my hair to make it fall back down, the way it had before I got on. Then I turned to Shadow and smiled. He glanced at me and smirked again. "You should dress like this more often. I'm gonna have to beat up the new kid, at this rate." I blushed at his compliment, embarrassed simply because he noticed. I was wearing a tight dress that was short on me, and was black with purple accents in it.
I turned around and almost ran into a boy with red hair and baggy clothes who was staring at me with his mouth wide open. Since I hadn't seen him before and he was the only other person who noticed I was even there, I figured that he must be the new kid that Shadow had been talking about. I smiled shyly at him. "Hi." I said in my school voice, which, as Shadow said, was 'quiet, yet loud, and sounds a little bit like singing'. The kid blinked, then quickly gained his composure and gave me the badass smile that all guys did when they tried to pick up a chick. "Hey. Name's Knuckles. What's yours, babe?"
I rolled my eyes, and frowned as Shadow put his arm around me. "What's up, Angel? This guy botherin' ya?" Shadow motioned his head towards Knuckles and then glared at him. I frowned even more. The only time Shadow acted like this was once at a party when Sonic tried to hit on me. I wrestled myself out of his grasp and said, "No, Shadow, he's not bothering me. He was just introducing himself." I shook my head and turned back to Knuckles. "I'm Angel. It's nice to meet you. Do you already know your way around, or do you need a tour?"
Shadow pulled me away before Knuckles could answer. "What the hell are you thinking, Angel? This guy does not look like he's a nice guy who knows what the word 'limits' means. He could, I don't know, try to rape you or something. And I really don't want that to happen to you." I looked at him, angry at his rudeness. "You know who you sound like? My mom. When I first met you, she said the exact same thing about you. And look! Nothing has happened. You're just being overprotective, like you do with... well, no one, since you obviously don't care about the girls you date." Shadow started to talk, but I kept going. "And don't even try to say that you do care, cuz I know you don't. You date them for, what was the longest time? Oh right, two WEEKS, and then dump them."
Shadow looked at me like he was deeply offended by that. After a moment of silence, I saw his shield of 'Forget it, I don't care' come up and he said, "Fine. Go ahead, show him around, date him, marry him, do whatever you want. Make my worst nightmare come true." I frowned in confusion and was about to ask him what he meant, but he just turned and walked away. I sat there watching him for a few seconds, then shook my head and walked back over to Knuckles, where three of the girls were falling all over him. Rouge was flirting with him, while Cream and Blaze traced designs on his shirt. He glanced at me and smiled, then waved them off and walked over to me. Rouge, Cream, and Blaze glared at me, and I knew that I was going to be the bane of their existence for the rest of the year.
"So, you gonna show me around or did your boyfriend talk you out of it?" Knuckles asked with a stupid smirk on his face. I frowned at him. "Shadow is NOT my boyfriend. We're just friends, and yes, I will show you around, if I don't get killed by the ruomors that those girls are sure to spread about me first." Knuckles chuckled, glanced back at them, and shrugged. "Eh, they're just stupid enough to think I like them. In reality, they're not really my type." I shrugged, shook my head, and showed Knuckles around, refusing to focus on anything else.
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lokk at my story im done with it thouh *saimes*