Skylann, Best Friend..?

Molly Joe turned againt Devon and started ranting but soon stopped. She smelled something or rather someone. It wasnt a human or animal. Devon noticed Molly Joe's hesitance and took a whiff to see what was wrong. He then smiled and whistled, calling his friend. Avalon groaned and wished she could go back to bed. So instead she went upstairs to change, she knew she wasnt gonna get any sleep. Avalon debated on wether calling her best friend or not, but decided not to, not just yet.
Skylann waltzed into the females' household and hugged his best friend, Devon. He looked around for the little female to see her coming down the stairs in a very tight fitting fashionable outfit. Skylann could't resist it, he whispered to Devon,
"Is that smoking hot little thang, yours?"
Instead of recieveing a joking answer, Skylann recieved a smack in the face from Avalon. He instanely went to defend himself, while Devon went to defend Avalon. Skylann rolled his eyes and backed off, smelling Avalon as he did. Taking in the fact thay she had recentely consumed blood, was not a good thing, for him anyway.
Avalon stood her ground, behind Devon. She never liked fighting, but if its two hot guys... ehh. lets just say it was gonna be intersting. Devon let a low growl leave his throat, Avalon smacked him on the head to hush him up.
Skylann laughed at Devon's reaction. He decided he liked this girl, this Avalon. She was perfect for his lonely best friend. Skylann nodded and turned to leave. Telling Devon, mentally, that Avalon had own his approval. Skylann now was gonna go look for a meal. He was exhausted with all the "fighting".
Avalon hugged her Devon and said,
"I've got to go to school. Drop me off or do you want to come?" "Im going to enroll, love."
Devon said back to her. He had that causal lop-sidded smile on his face. Avalon kissed his cheek and walked out to wait for him. Molly Joe watched and smiled. She thought, 'Maybe this wont be so bad'...
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