Opening A Secret
"To the dearest Alexandra Leigh Rogers,
You can choose to believe the following, or not. Just, please, realize that this decision *will* impact the rest of your life.
You are being asked to join an underground organization. You may or may not have realized it, but you have the skills and abilities we need. We can make you outshine Alice. You can finally leave her shadow, teach her what you are worth! With this decision, you could help the city, state, country, the world. And even yourself.
If you are interested, wonderful, take a blank piece of paper, write "MUTTS" on it, with a RECTANGLE around it. Place it in your school hallway locker, on the inside, top right of the door. If not, that's your decision and loss. We would like to know in two days time.
We could really use you, Alex. We could really help you.
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