Creepypastas React To... Five Nights at Freddy's! (Night 1)

Me: You people ready?
Rush: What are we doing?
Me: Playing a game.
Decap: Could you switch me out for BEN? I don't wanna do this.
Me: Nope!
Jeff: Well, what are we playing?
Me: Five Nights at Freddy's! FNaF!
Rush: What the what?
Decap: Forget what I said about switching me, let's get the party started.
Jeff: Seriously?
Me: *Starts up the game and has Decap control things*
Decap: *Presses new game* Let's get this started!
*Phone starts ringing*
Rush: Hello? How do we pick it up?
Jeff: Decap! Pick up the phone!
Decap: No, wait wait.
*Phone guy (I'm gonna call him Mike) says, "Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night."*
Rush: That's nice...
Mike: Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact.
Jeff: Nah, he's dead.
Rush: I'm gonna call him Nigel.
Me: Mike.
Rush: Okay, Nigel it is.
Mike/Nigel: Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus on getting you through your first week. Okay?
Decap: First and last week, thank you very much!
Jeff: Check the cameras real quick.
Decap: *Checks and sees stage*
Rush: Ugh, what are those things?
Jeff: Animatronics. Have you never heard of this?
Rush: No.
Mike/Nigel: Um, "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death have occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced." Blah blah blah, now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about.
Rush: That sounds horrible! I don't wanna die, Nigel!
Me: Mike.
Decap: Oh, worse happens. *Checks cameras again, seeing Bonnie is gone*
Jeff and Rush: THE BUNNY!
Decap: Crap! *Checks around, finding him in the East Hall* Ugh, if he comes here, so help me...!
Mike/Nigel: So, just be aware, the characters do tend to wander a bit. Uh, they're left in some kind of free roaming mode at night.
Jeff: You don't say?
Mike/Nigel: Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of '87.
Rush: The Bite Of '87?
Decap: Long story short, Pizza was eaten by an animatronic, Foxy the Fox to be specific, and workers were terrified of what power Foxy could hold. So they locked Foxy up in Pirate Cove and now the animatronics can't move around during day for safety.
Rush: Whoa...
Jeff: That's interesting.
Mike/Nigel: Now since that's against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they'll probably try to... forcefully stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear suit.
Rush: What the heck? No, leave me alone! Once again, I don't wanna die!
Decap: *Checks cameras, seeing Bonnie in East Hall Corner* Crap!
Jeff: He's so close!
Mike/Nigel: Y-Yeah, they don't tell you these things when you sign up. But hey, first day should be a breeze. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Uh, check those cameras, and remember to close the doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, good night.
Rush: Good night, Nigel. You really helped us. *Sarcastic*
Me: Mike.
Decap: Wow, it's 4:00 AM. He's been talking for 4 freaking hours.
Jeff: 2 more hours until 6!
Rush: That's TWO long!
Jeff: That was a HORRIBLE pun.
Rush: That wasn't even a pun.
Jeff: Exactly.
Decap: *Clicks light on East Door, seeing Bonnie* Hi!
Jeff: Go away!
Decap: *Quickly closes door*
Jeff: 5 AM!
Rush: The hours are still ONE too many!
Jeff: Oh my god, shut up.
Decap: *Checks light, seeing Bonnie is gone, and opening door* How come everyone is still except Bonnie?
Jeff: Heck should I know.
Rush: It's a good thing they decided to stay there.
Decap: It's because we're too scary for them.
Jeff: Yes, that's why! We're too terrifying for them to be able to move!
Rush: Because a 13-year-old with pink hair and a bow tie is horribly terrifying.
Decap: What about a blonde with an hatchet... Okay, never mind, that could freak someone out.
*Turns 6 o' clock and the bells ring*
Jeff: Yesss....
Decap: Dong dong dong dong. Dong dong dong dong.
Rush: Deal with it, you stupid animatronics.
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On another note, have them play Pokémon ORAS!