Prologue ~the Beginning~

A white and grey she-cat slipped out of the camp silently and wondered toward the boarder line. When she got there she saw a tall, dark, Tom. "Hello Noface." She greeted, the black Tom dipped his head, "how are you Whitewing?" He purred, she nudged him affectionately, "oh good, same old, how's life out here?" Noface licked Whitewing's ear, "It's better now your here."
Some time later Whitewing went out to her ' 'Meeting Place' ' but she saw nor scented Noface, "Oh I'm a mouse-Brain." She said with tears in Her eyes, she then ran as fast as she could back to camp and strait to her nest and cried.
Midnight was out looking for herbs when he saw Whitewing, 'what is she doing.. Oh right early bird catches the worm' he thought to himself and continued oh his way, after what seemed like hours he finally stocked up all his herbs, "done now to get some fresh kill."
A Moon or so later late one night Midnight was reorganising his Herbs, "Well that's done, now to–" "Midnight!" A yowl came, then Whitewing's sister came in, "Midnight Whitewing is beginning to kit." Midnight grabs his Kitting bundle then with a flick of a tail he's off to the nursery,
As he gets there he hears Whitewing howl in pain, "Whitewing I'm here." He pushes her a herb, "here eat this, it'll ease the pain." He then goes around behind her, "alright Whitekit, so far so good, keep pushing." Whitewing pushes and howls then As midnight sees a black head and said, "Ok Whitewing one more BIG push." She does so and as Midnight sees more of the kit he grabs the scruff and slowly pulls to help, with one last push and a howl the kit was born, Midnight purrs as he Licks the Kit Clean and to warm it up, once he hears a mew from it he purrs loudly then as he hands it to Whitewing, he said, "Whitewing it's a beautiful and healthy She. Congratulations."
Whitewing purrs, "it's beautiful, her coat. Is so dark." She said, "Almost like her father" she added in a mumble." She then begins to nurse it and compared to her it was like a shadow, "her name will be Shadowkit." Midnight licks her ear, "That's a lovely name, and may she grow to be a mighty warrior of Duskclan, just like her mother." Whitewing playfully swipes his ear, "Oh come now Midnight, Duskclan knows if you were a warrior you'd be the best.. And I pray to Starclan that Shadowkit will have a heart as large as yours." Midnight purrs, "thank you." He looks at the kit and mumbles, "No father, by StarClan I will make sure she is raised better then I was." Whitewing cocked her head, "Midnight you ok?" Midnight nods, "oh yes, just thinking." Whitewing nods then looks down at Shadowkit pride and another emotion in Whitewing's eyes that made midnight worried, "well I'll go tell the Clan of our new arrival." Midnight then touches noses with Whitewing then padded out...
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