The Candor Faction

"Because, Sir," a boy with bug-eye glasses and dressed in blue stood up, "It represents calrity and sharpness which are Candor's strongest values."
"That's correct. Honesty and Openess are what Candor honors and holds highest. But you already know that." He said calmly. "What you don't know is that our initiation process is hard and many people don't get through it successfully. The Candor faction doesn't believe in making people factionless so you will al get a place but the better you do during intiation, the better you'll do in life." I sighed at this. "Vera, what are your thoughts on that."
Surprised but with wit I replied "We better do a good job!"
"Yes you must. Any other thoughts?" His eyebrow went up.
"I think the system is too severe and that we should have more chances to shape our life." I said factually. "If I were being really honest." Everyone was staring at with a mask of horror and shock.
"And you should be. That is what being Candor is all about. The shocking truth and strong opinions. All of you are shocked at Vera's bluntess and aloof attitude as she stated a seemingly heretical statement but that is what being Candor is all about. Staand up for your beliefs and state them factualy and impartially and you will do fine." The train came to a jerking stop. "Welcome to the Merciless Mart otherwise known as Candor's headquarters." We filed out and came face to face with a massive, windowless edifice. We were lead in and it felt as though you were in a black and white painting. The floors were white and in the center there was a massive black scale from their symbol. There were no windows but the room was brightly lit with flourescents. Everything was symmetrical and cube-like with clear angles and bold lines. It was hard and cold but I was sure I'd get used to it. He led us to some stairs and we went down, down, down, down. I was nearly panting by the time we got to our rooms. "These are your rooms until initiation is over. Once it is over you'll be given an assigned floor and will live there until you move up or down in rank. Most peoiple just stay one one or two floors their entire lives. If you have any questions please ask Bethany over there. I will see you all tomorrow when your intiation process begins. Good day." Mr. Kang left us to ourselves. The rooms were small but nicer then the Dauntles ones. There were 10 rooms eachwith four beds. I was with Cal, a girl named Lillith, and the Erudite boy who's name was Johnny.
"Well, hi guys!" Cal said in her cheery voice. "Why is there a boy in a room full of girls?"
"All the other rooms are full." He scoffed.
"There weren't 40 Cnador intiates." I said. Then I realized what had just happened "Did you lie just to get into a room withgirls?" I collapsed on my bed laughing. Cal started screaming at him and Lillith grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of the room.
"I've already signed into this room, you can't kick me out!" He yelled angrily.
"Watch us!" I yelled from my bed still laughing.
"Perv." Lillith whispered.
"I need some fresh air, you gyus care to join me?" I wiped the tears out of my eyes as they both nodded. "Miss Bethany may we go outside?"
"Don't leave Merciless Mart but yea." She had a heavy accident and was shewing on something so she was hard to understand but I got the point. We spent an hour outdoors just chatting. Lillith was a Candor-born and she didn't want to leave because of family but she said she really had her heart set on Dauntless. I told them about Dauntless, Cal told us about Abnegation, and Lillith told us about Candor. I sat back for a minute and realized that I had just chosen the path of my life, been betrayed by the boy I thought I loved, been threatened at a miserable life by the Candor leader, and here I am smiling and laughing with three girls who have experienced three very different lives.
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If I was her, I too would be scared about confessing to that!