Truth or Dare with the OCs!

Leat: You can find information on us in the story 'My OCs! For Sonic, MLP, and more!'
Frostgoddess: Thank you Leat. Now, not all of us will be here everyday, but you can still ask them questions and give them dares, I'll just call them over!
Serena: we all have our own things to do, like Polai and Azura have their royal duties, but we still have time to respond to you. *yawn*
Cy: You can even ask 'The Survivors', and the ghost of Sally Buenard!
Kate: Why are you guys here?!
Cy: Aren't you happy to see us?
Fiona and Mackenzie: Hi Kate!
Rebecca: It's a pleasure to be here!
Kate: Even Rebecca?! B-but you're dead! Wha-? *faint*
Roger: Kate! are you alright?
Leat: *laughing* For all of you who don't know who 'The Survivors' are, they are Rebecca, Tom, Roger, Cy, Fiona, and Mackenzie.
Sally: Kate, are you ok?
Kate: *wake up and screams* S-Sally?!?!?*faint again*
Sally: *covers mouth* Oops!
Frostgoddess: I think you guys should leave until Kate recovers from her shock.....
Sorla: *laughing* That is the funniest thing ever!
Hawk: *laughing like crazy* I'm even wide awake now!
Moonshine: Kate's not going to like being laughed at.......
Lots of people: *laughing*
Frostgoddess: EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
Frostgoddess: Thank you!
Azura: I'll take over from here, Frostgoddess.
Frostgoddess: But Princess, you don't have to-
Azura: Please, just let me do it. *clears throat* We will not respond to inappropriate dares and questions. Post your ideas in the comments. If your dares include someone that one of the OCs is close to, we can always call them over.
Shitake: Like we can call Koga over if you have a dare for me or Tekon that includes him!
Tekon: what kind of dare would that be?
Shitake: I don't know, get him drunk?
Tekon: *rolls eyes* You've already done that.....
Azura: Excuse me you two, I'm speaking.
Shitake: Sorry!
Azura: We'll appreciate your participation in this game. Now all of you may talk.
Princess Alia: It will be an honor to answer your questions.
Cake: I've come all the way from home just for this!
Hirachi: Where's Kitsuya?
Leat: I don't think she's here....
Hirachi: oh well!
Tristen, Chrystene, Fiona, and Mackenzie: Double pairs of twins! *all laughing*
Cream: Hi!
Frostbite: Hello!
Mistfur: How's the prey running?
Kate: *wakes up*
The Survivors: *hide*
Kate: That was weird....
Everyone: *laughing*
Kate: *growls and flashes 'claws'
Everyone: *hide*
Frostgoddess: well, sorry this is so long. anyway, we look forward to your questions and dares!
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TO KATE: I dar- wait I REMEMBER!!
TO ALL: I dare everyone INCLUDING THE GUESTS to dress up as your favorite fruit *holds up fruit costumes*, then DO THE MONKEY SHAKE! I didn't request this, Disco did!
Disco: All who don't See More know what the monkey shake is, It's the Harlem shake!
TO BEN: Why not spend some time with Chrystie :D(DARE)
TO SHITAKE: I want you to eat some shitake mushrooms. They'll heal you. *uses magic*
TO KATE: You are SUCH A WIMP! If you aren't a wimp, then kiss Laughing Jack.
TO CHRYSTIE'S MOM: Why does Herobrine have to take care of Chrystie!?!?!?
TO KATE: I dare you to put slenderman in front of Chrystie when she's cornered. XD
TO KATE: I think you should have kissed Cy first, cause now I dare you to kiss Cy.
TO LAVENDOR: Why don't you have any water pokemon!?
TO ROUGE THE BAT: I dare you to hug Sorla!
TO MEW CAKE: Are you REALLY an exile See More from the Tokyo Mew Mew?
TO FROSTGODDESS: I dare you to kiss Herobrine. XD
TO EVERYBODY: I give you the choice, either you can add Diamond the ghost to your games OR I make an AWESOME dare!
Question for Pudding: Are you Chinese?
Dare for Ichigo: I dare you to kiss Kishu! (cat time LOL, I wonder how he'll react....)
You don't have to say one of each, you can just choose to say on question or dare, and you can choose to say many!