The rondevu point.

Erika, Alexis, and I all headed to the old abandoned church. It's far out of town and it's mostly still in contact. We have people who live all over the town. The sad thing is if someone see's us we have to "get rid" of them. Cameron was the only person we brought back from Earth. I sighed as everyone came. The room was mostly full with hedgehogs, cats, echidnas, foxes, and seedrains. Alexis and Erika were standing on the podium as everyone sat down talking. Alexis is has sensitive ears and she barely talks. Alexis is the kind of girl who is always by herself. Although once you get to know her she's really cool. Erika is sort of the opposite.
They are my closest friends. Erika is a fun girl. She has a very bright personality. Erika isn't super girly. Although back to the story. The three of us waited for everyone to calm down. Once the air was silent Erika broke it. "Hello everyone. We are almost done with our mission." Everyone cheered. "Wait," I said. Everyone stayed silent. "We just need one more thing before we can head back home," Alexis said. "What?" everyone asked. "It's a small disc. Eggman placed it here. We have five locations where they could be," I smiled. "Well send you guys the corrdinates on your computers at home," Alexis said. Our home is a hotel that Alexis found. It wasn't in any bad shape so we fixed it up. With Michael's, Isaac, Chase, and Lexi's intelligence we got all the power and awesome technology. Although we did have to leave some friends behind. We all got up as Alexis teleported us to the hotel.
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4/5 since nobody's perfect but this is great so far