Chapter Ten; Let's Meet And Greet

I've got a question for all the people reading... Who's team are you on Lou's? Harry's? Or another guy?? CAN'T BE NIALL
Caitlin's P.O.V
Four days later
I pushed off my bed and answered the door. My hand wrapped tighter around my towel. "NIALL!!" "CAITLIN YOU'RE NAKED!!!" I slamed the down and fell on my floor laughing. "Get dressed Caitlin!!" Niall was laughing to. I slipped on my red shorts and a blue shirt that said 'To Infinte And Beond'. I giggled and yelled open the door you butt nugget... I'm in a good mood. I started curling on hair just cuz I had nothing better to do as I listened to Niall go on about this girl named Samantha that was absolutely PERFECT!! As he kept repeating. Then he said "She's coming here tonight to have dinner..." he seemed so nervous. "Will you help me choose clothes I don't want to look like i did last time we met." I gave him a weird look "I went outside in my boxers to get something from Harry that he ran off with then I bumped into her." he was so red that I thought he was gonna explode. "Okay Okay I'll help you be a lesser dork tonight." he grinned then frowned then hiugged me.
At Dinner
A girl with red hair walked in with jeans and a hoodie on. o.O that's not what Niall usually goes for. I shrugged and stepped from Louis's side to shake her hand. "Hi I'm Caitlin you must be Samantha." "No, I'm Alice my sister is coming." I smiled as a girl wearing a skirt and a nice shirt walked in, they must be twins. Lou slipped behind me and held my waist. "I'm Louis..." "I'm Alice... and that's Samantha... don't call her Sam or you'll die." Hehehe I liked this girl. Lou on the other hand look a bit scared. Sam-antha and Niall were holding hands and blushing. "Harry leave them alone!!" he groaned "Meet Alice and leave them alone." he shook her hand smiling "Hey I'm Harry!" "Alice." she said then they let their hands slip. we all sat down at a huge booth and order. I got a small salad since I havent been hungry lately.
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