The Survivors: Fiona

"My sister!" Mackenzie panicked "She was right with me earlier! The only thing that she's afraid of is not being near me!" Her panic had obviously made her forget her own fear. Roger and Cy looked at each other.
"Well then," said Roger, "We'd better find her." He smiled.
Cy leaned over towards him and whispered in his ear, "You're good at this."
"Well, I'm a father." Kate giggled a little. There was something about this little girl that made her feel happy.
Then Rebecca spoke, "What does she look like?" They all stared at her in disbelief. She was BLIND, how would Rebecca be able to find her like that? Either way, the information would be useful. Mackenzie took a deep breathe.
"She looks like me, except her hair is a lighter shade. Before the crash, she was wearing a brown dress and pink bow."
"and she goes by Fiona, right?"
"We'll find her!" Kate said, "Don't worry! we'll find her no matter what!"
"Yup!" 'Even if it's just her corpse' she added to herself.
"Oh, thank you!" Then the search began. Rebecca stayed in one spot, calling Fiona's name. Kate, Roger, and Cy were all with Mackenzie, looking for her sister. The little girl wouldn't even let Cy treat her wounds until Fiona was found. They searched, but found nothing but bodies. Kate shuddered as she looked at the boy who had been hitting on her at the party. He was annoying, but seeing his body still gave her a sense of dread. Mackenzie screamed at almost every little thing. A small crab scuttling across the sand, a seagull's call, even the rustle of the wind in leaves freaked her out. They searched all over the beach.
"Wait! We have to check the cliff!" Mackenzie said out of the blue. They all followed her to the cliff, The same cliff from which the boulders that crushed Sally had fallen. They got closer to it, then heard a small voice.
"It's just you and me, Mr. Spider," it said, "Everyone else is dead." They heard a small sniffle. "Even Mackie." Mackenzie seemed to perk up when she heard this, then frantically looked around. Kate noticed a small cave in the cliff face. Inside was a little girl, talking to a small spider on her finger. Mackenzie looked in, too.
"Fiona!" she shouted. The girl looked up and smiled, overjoyed.
"Mackie!" She quickly climbed out and hugged her sister.
"What happened?"
"Well, I couldn't find you and thought that you were dead like everyone else. Junk was flying everywhere so I looked for shelter. I found this cave and fell asleep for a while. When I woke up, I met Mr. Spider and he told me a story of a time that he caught a giant moth-"
"Really?!" Kate asked, playing along, "How big was it?"
"It was THIS BIG!" Fiona answered, stretching her arms to the sides as far as she could.
"Wow!" exclaimed Mackenzie. It took a while to settle them down enough to look at their injuries. They were both really happy to see each other.
"So, which one of you is older?" Cy asked them while spreading Neosporin on a cut on Fiona's cheek.
"I am!" Mackenzie called, raising her hand.
"Yup!" Fiona piped in, "She was born a few minute before me!"
"Twins, huh?" Kate asked, "No wonder you look so alike!"
The reunited siblings embraced each other tightly, a large grin on both of their faces.
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