Dream? or is it?

She looked around. This place looked vaguely familiar....
She began to walk forwards until she could see a city, and a large mansion. 'Wait....That's Sally's mansion!'
Kate ran as fast as she could towards it. It looked as bright and elegant as it always had. She heard a noise by an upstairs window, at Sally's room! Her heart leapt. 'The crash was all a bad dream! I'm sure of it! I'm just going to get on the cruise and sail with my Best friend! We'll all be just fine!' She went up to the door and knocked. No answer. She knocked again. No answer.
"Hello?" Kate called, no answer... Taking a deep breathe, the girl opened the door. It was dark inside, and the squeaking of the door made it seem very eerie. She tried the light, but it didn't work. She stumbled along in the dark, slipping, and sometimes feeling a sticky, warm liquid. She continued on. 'I'll go to Sally's room,' she thought, 'Sally hates the dark! It'll be light in there.'
Kate stumbled up the stairs and began to feel her way down the hall. A light flickered overhead, revealing the location of her best friend's door. The girl opened it.
"Hello?" She heard a strange noise coming from the room, almost like growling. 'probably her poodle...' She turned on the light.
The room was very dark, even with the dim light on, but it was just enough to see the horrific sight in front of her. There was blood all over the room. The ceiling dripping in it! The bedspread was shredded and red, the dresser had claw marks, and the closet door was broken in half. By the window, she saw the worst of it.
There was a black haired girl in front of her, with her back facing Kate. The girl was wearing a tattered black dress. She was hunched over on the ground, beneath her was a long object that Kate couldn't make out. Then it hit her. Sally's body. Right in front of her was Sally's mangled body. The black haired girl was making the growling and slurping noises. What was she doing?
Kate gasped and the girl turned to looked at her. She looked like her. The thing had a blue eye and a red eye. It had her long black hair, and she recognized the torn dress. Was that thing her? It had long, sharp claws and terrifying teeth. It was covered in blood, and was stuffing its face with what appeared to be Sally's flesh. Kate screamed, but couldn't move. The creature charged at her with amazing speed and lunged....
She woke up. She was on the island. The crash wasn't a dream, but the creature was. Sighing, she stood up. 'That was new....' It had been a week, and every night she had had the dream about Sally leading her through her memories. Why did it change...and what was that thing?! Why did it look just like her!? That couldn't have been her! Could it...?
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